If there were not so many people watching at the scene, Zhao Jin even decided to kneel on the ground and hug Gu Longwu's thigh to beg him!

There is no other way!

He had already seen the press conference before he came, and he just heard those people talking about it, so he actually knew some news clearly.

This time, no matter who was behind the trouble, Gu Longwu was able to get out of the way.

Now my own side has completely declared failure.

Thinking about it, no matter what methods they have, they can't affect the sales volume of Gu's Group.

This means... those people who secretly opposed Gu Longwu will be liquidated sooner or later!

Thinking of this, Zhao Jin instantly felt that he had made a wise decision.

"Mr. Gu, you have to trust me. As long as you can save me, don't let me go to jail. I can provide any evidence you want."

"What kind of evidence is fine?" Gu Longwu smiled, "That is to say, they were really that careless. They left so many things with you?"

Jokes are not.

Although Gu Longwu had guessed who did it.

But even if Qian Luyong and his son were a little stupid, they wouldn't be so stupid as to do it themselves.

Zhao Jin quickly smiled and said, "That's not the case. I have never met the person they sent here, and I don't know the identity of the other party. They just gave me a deposit of 8 yuan, and there will be another 12 yuan after the matter is completed. 20 yuan to do this. Of course, I have kept the 8 yuan at home, so you can go get it with me."

"Speak the key."

Zhao Jin seemed to know that he would not care about the [-] yuan, so he was somewhat worried.

"After that person came to talk to me about this matter, I naturally agreed. After all, it is such an easy job, but it is difficult to find it with a lantern. But the matter involved the Gu Group, I thought to myself, this Gu Mr. Gu of the Group, he is also a patriotic and good young man in the news, I can't frame them at will."

He took advantage of the opportunity to praise Gu Longwu, and secretly observed the other's face.

But to his disappointment.

From the beginning to the end, the expression on Gu Longwu's face hardly changed.

So she raised her face slightly, pretending that the embarrassment just now didn't exist, and changed the term again.

"Of course it's also to save a way out. So I asked my friend to follow him. I was just trying to be cautious, but I didn't expect to follow someone! That person directly joined a company."

"What's the name of the company?"

"Courage Foreign Trade Company."

Courage foreign trade?

Gu Longwu frowned slightly.

He had never heard of this company.

But Zhao Jin knew it!

He took out the phone directly.

"I didn't care about it at first, just be careful."

After all, he will continue with this matter, because he thinks it will be 100% successful.

But never expected.

Turned over so fast today.

So when he saw other people checking their phones just now, he had already started checking them again.

The details of that called Courage Foreign Trade.

"I don't know the legal person of this company, but you may know Mr. Gu."


Gu Longwu has always been impatient.

"It's called Qian Luyong."


Employees around screamed.

You must know that many people here are aware of the struggle within the Gu Group.

Although most of them supported Gu Longwu, many people were poached away by Qian Luyong and his son because of the recent turmoil.

The person who exclaimed happened to be one of them.

When he saw other people looking at him, his expression changed on the spot, and he quickly put on an awkward smile, "I've heard Mr. Xiaoqian's name before, so when he said it, I was surprised. Thinking about it... It must be a misunderstanding."

Gu Longwu smiled, "It's possible. After all, Qian Luyong is my cousin, the one who is related by blood."

He emphasized a few words in a deep voice.

Zhao Jin's expression changed immediately.

"Mr. Gu, you have to believe me. I have seen this with my own eyes, and it is absolutely true!"

Gu Longwu only leaned down slightly, looked at this man who had no aura to him, then stretched out his hand and patted Zhao Jin on the shoulder, "Seeing is not necessarily believing, everything must be proved."


Zhao Jin was stunned.

He didn't realize at all that this was also a means of interrogation by Gu Longwu.

As long as the other party keeps feeling insecure, the more he fears the situation, the more he wants to prove himself through some things.

and so……

Zhao Jinhui will work very hard to show his role.

"I have the evidence! I really have it!"

He directly raised his hand.

He just looked at Gu Longwu like this, staring closely with a pair of small eyes, for fear that the other party would not believe him.

"I can call that person's contact information now. They probably don't know that I have failed."


Gu Longwu nodded.

"Then make an appointment directly at the place I mentioned, and meet and talk."


These things have been done very secretly.

At this point in the conversation, Gu Longwu directly asked Zhao Jin to be taken to a hidden corner, and the two of them and the regional manager Qian Ying were behind the entire office.

"let's hit."

"Already ready to record."

Zhao Jin gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I will know what to say and what not to say later."

He smiled slowly, as if to reassure Gu Longwu.

Who would have thought that a man who looked pleasant outside just now, when he arrived in the office, his expression immediately darkened.

And it was this face that gave him a chill down his spine, and he didn't dare to look Gu Longwu directly in the eyes.

"Hit." Gu Longwu spoke again, repeating the order just now.

And the tone was obviously colder than before.


He dialed the number directly, and as expected, the other party connected quickly.

"How about it?"

"It has been completed. When will the follow-up money be given to me?"

Hearing Zhao Jin's answer, Gu Longwu raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a little appreciation.

Be aware that it is easy for people to make wrong responses in stressful situations.

Asking for money is the first priority for people like Zhao Jin.

If he doesn't want it, the other party will find it strange.

"Done? Everything went well?"

The people over there were still worried and asked one more question.

But Zhao Jin looked very confident, and replied loudly, "Otherwise? It's just to return the goods, what's the problem?"

"Yeah. That's right. But our hot searches haven't been able to go up..."

Naturally, they bought the hot search of Gu's Group's new mobile phone battery life problem, but after tossing for a long time, they just can't access it now.

The person who was docking over there has been wrangling.

Zhao Jin felt a "thump" in his heart when he heard this, why are there still hot searches?

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