Those who have something to do, even directly took the live video.

"I want to return the product now!" The man moved faster than ever, directly pressing the phone on the table, "return immediately."

"Hi sir, although we support return and exchange. But the premise is that it must be tested by professional technicians, and only after there is a problem will it be returned or exchanged."

"It's already so obvious, how do you need to test it? You don't want to admit it!"

"That's right. The battery of the mobile phone has dropped by half in less than an hour. No matter whose mobile phone it is, there is nothing wrong with returning it!"

"You Gu's Group has such a big turmoil right now. It took a lot of effort to promote its mobile phone brand, but now there is another moth. I think you don't want to mess around at all."

The manager rushed over quickly, "Hello, I am the regional sales manager in charge of this area. I was busy in another store just now, and I just came here now. If you have any needs, you can ask me."

The man looked at her coldly, "Can you make the decision?"

"That depends on what your request is."

"I'm not an unreasonable person, anyway, someone has to make up for my losses, right? You don't know, I have been using your mobile phone for so many years, from P20, P50, to this one I bought today , I have used three models of your mobile phones in a row. Every time I order a new product as soon as it comes out. Now the quality is so disappointing!"

"It is absolutely impossible for our new mobile phone to last for less than an hour. There will be no problem with the quality control of Gu's Group." The manager is also very stubborn.

Naturally, she couldn't admit it now, let alone recycle the phone directly.

Otherwise, it would be to slap yourself in the face on the spot!

So he smiled and explained to the other party, "Our professional end personnel will arrive soon, please wait for another 10 minutes. I can guarantee that if there is indeed a problem with our mobile phone, we will refund the money immediately. But if it is a misunderstanding... your current behavior will cause serious damage to our brand, and we will defend our rights according to law."

"Oh. Where's the misunderstanding! The phone is here, everyone can watch it."

The man turned the phone directly to the other people, pointing at the battery on it.

"Just for a while, another 40.00% of the battery was lost. Now it is [-]% of the battery."

"Even if it's not 100% when it leaves the factory, it's more than 90.00% right?"

"How could it fall so fast?"

"And I just took a screenshot, it's so fast. They still want to play tricks on the evidence?"

"I don't think everyone will buy anything under your banner anymore!"

This is purely rhythmic.

But obviously, the effect is remarkable.

Many people around also looked over, and after understanding the situation, they all took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

In this day and age, there are many people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

Gu Longwu was standing next to that person, taking advantage of his height, he had a panoramic view of the situation on the phone screen of the other person.

It's really only half the battery.

That's right.

Looking at the condition of the fuselage, it is no different from the company prototype.

"Anyway, give me my money back right now, and I'll throw the phone here! Otherwise, I'll call the Consumer Association to defend my rights."

"That's right. Is your store bullying customers? Why don't you return your phone if there's a problem with it?"

"It's too much."

There are voices of questioning and accusations all around.

The regional manager suddenly felt dizzy, "We must follow the procedure."

"Then don't blame everyone for posting directly on the Internet!"

Someone said, "I also have tens of thousands of fans, post it to let everyone see your face."

"A capitalist is a capitalist. I only came to support patriots who have protected the motherland outside. I almost quarreled with my girlfriend because of this."

"You guys are such a disappointment."

The atmosphere on the scene was brought up, everyone was so angry, and now there was no way to calm down and think about it.

They will only be paced by others.

But the regional manager had no choice, so he called directly to report to his superiors.

"Yes, the other party has been asking for a return and exchange now. He also said to put the phone here..."

"Well, I won't agree until the test results come out."

If you directly agree to return the product, it is a disguised admission that there is a problem with the quality of the mobile phone.

The regional manager thought for a while, "Everyone! The technicians haven't arrived yet, please be patient. A blogger made a special evaluation video last night. I don't know if you have watched it. At that time, the blogger directly used our The mobile phone broadcasted the game for five hours. The battery and network speed and other conditions can be seen in real time. After fast-forward editing, the evaluation data is almost the same as the data announced at our press conference."

She smiled and asked people to cast the screen.

"This is a very authoritative blogger. Anyone who pays attention to the field of digital mobile phones should know her."

"You're talking about the fireworks in the daytime!"

"It's him."

Fireworks during the day?

Gu Longwu was stunned when he heard this ID, he just thought this person was really strange.

Where can you see fireworks in broad daylight, this name is really unlucky.

And a video has already appeared on the TV screen next to it.

"The whole process took 10 minutes. We watched it at twice the speed, which also gave everyone confidence."

Gu Longwu looked at the regional manager.

Looking at the current processing methods, it is actually not bad.

He was not coerced by public opinion, nor pushed away by others.

"Is this person a man or a woman? Although he is wearing a mask, he doesn't seem to have an Adam's apple."

Gu Longwu didn't even look at it.

But after hearing this sentence, he raised his head subconsciously, but froze suddenly.

The person on the screen is wearing a mask, and the focus of the shooting is mostly on the screen of the mobile phone, and he only sees his upper body movements from time to time.

But even so, he still recognized it at a glance.

The person in the video is none other than Ah Yan! !
But how could Ah Yan do this?

The regional manager looked at the time, "I'll fast forward to the battery life evaluation link."

After she fast-forwarded, the people in the video had already started their introductions.

"The next thing is the battery life of the mobile phone. The official release data is as follows. I will use a certain mobile phone game, video watching, and normal standby to test."

"So the test time will be broadcast live, and in the end it will be compressed into less than 2 minutes for the sake of length."

After he explained, he directly filmed the use of the three mobile phones.

At this time, a camera took pictures from behind, so that people could see clearly what the other party looked like.

Of course, if you still wear a mask and glasses, basically no one will pay much attention.

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