The room was actually very dimly lit.

Gu Longwu sat by the bed, his short hair looked messy when he bent over.

It was only then that Cen Yan noticed that at some point, his cropped cut, which hadn't changed in ten years, had gradually grown a lot longer.

Under the shadow of the lamp, the man's voice was deliberately slowed down and soft, and he just quietly looked down at her, as if he couldn't bear to look away for a moment.

Cen Yan suddenly thought of many things.

"When I was in Gers, I was injured, and you accompanied me like this, right?"


Gu Longwu could tell that she really didn't feel sleepy.

So he obediently went back to his bed and lay down, the two continued to chat with some distance between them.

"I sometimes wonder what would happen if we could successfully complete the last mission."

Mentioning this, the air was instantly silent for two seconds.

Gu Longwu was taken aback.

There was more displeasure in the voice.

"We were already done."

Is it done...?

Cen Yan doesn't think so.

She had a smile on her face, and she didn't say a second word for a long time.

The superiors said that their mission was completed, and that they were the only team with a complete organization and all members who survived after carrying out missions outside for so many years.

They are the badges and medals in the eyes of everyone.

It is a meritorious team that will be respected if you release the number.

But only they themselves know.

In the last mission, the ultimate goal was not completed.


The order from above is to catch if you can, and destroy the base camp if you can't catch it.

So even if the boss ran away, they still successfully completed the task.

"Ah Yan, don't think about it. Everything that follows will be taken over by the brother team behind, and we have already retreated."


She almost forgot.

Turns out they've already withdrawn.

In the whole team, even if she was the youngest and last to join, she was actually close to thirty.

The older ones, the captain, are all in their forties.

He's past his prime, so he should have retired.

"Our team came back with a complete organization and complete personnel. According to the standard, those under 35 are healthy and can continue to participate in the mission. But in fact, there are only four people under 35. Let us all return together, and we don't want everyone to be separated again . Pull a new team to continue in Gers or a more dangerous place, and you may not be able to come back.”


How could Cen Yan not know.

The age of a team is generally five or six years.

And they stayed for ten years.

Ten years ago, the captain had just left the previous team. He had a wealth of experience and was in his prime, so he was allowed to lead the team to Gers.

At that time, including Gu Longwu, there were three people, and it was the first time to participate in a formal mission.

"Risk inherently coexists with opportunity."

Cen Yan suddenly thought of the words the captain often said.

If people live in this world, if they don't try their best, if they don't have the slightest drive, are they still human?
You are trained to be calm and crisp, not to be emotionless.

Cen Yan thought that she still had feelings.

But it is such a feeling, but no matter at any time, it must be deeply buried in the bottom of my heart.

"Ah Yan."

Gu Longwu suddenly called her.

She was stunned.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

Cen Yan froze there, unable to react for a long time.

After waiting for a long time, I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's nothing, go to sleep."


It was night, and it was quiet.

Gu Longwu waited for a while, still listening to her breathing.

It was only after confirming that Ah Yan had fallen asleep that he finally felt relieved.

Just sleep.

For a long time he was worried.

Worried that Ah Yan has something on her mind again, and now no matter what plans she has in her heart, she won't tell herself.

Gu Longwu was too aware of his level, so he couldn't figure out what she was really thinking.

Then he covered himself with the quilt and rolled over to sleep.


The next day.

In the early morning, Gu Longwu was awakened by a phone ringing.

He got up quickly.

Looking around, he only saw the familiar room and the person lying on the bed next to him, and finally realized.


The voice is very low.

But it still woke up Cen Yan.

She turned over, and when she opened her eyes, her eyes were extraordinarily clear.

Just looking at Gu Longwu quietly, as if thinking about something.

The latter only glanced at her, then immediately got up and left the room with a serious expression on his face.

"What happened?"

"Miss He called and asked you what time you go to work today. Probably... you want to come over."

Gu Longwu was startled for a moment, and then quickly realized.

"Let her wait in the office."

I took the medicine yesterday, but it was somewhat affected, and I fell asleep until eight o'clock in the morning.

In the past, he rarely slept so deeply.

He immediately changed into his clothes and looked at the skin on his neck in the mirror.

It is very white and clean, and there is probably no possibility of recurrence.

"Go wash up first, I'll iron your clothes for you."

"it is good."

The suit I changed last night is now crumpled.

The man followed the trend and walked into the bathroom.

When he came out after washing, his hair was wet and hanging on his shoulders. He looked up from under the towel and saw the girl ironing his clothes in the morning light.

On that clear and clean face, the expression was still very quiet and gentle.

The soft morning light shone through the window, and fell on Cen Yan's side face.

Looking at it from his point of view, at that moment, he only felt his heart beating, and his heart rate seemed to speed up a lot at that moment.

Then subconsciously walked over.

All thoughts come together.

"Ah Yan." Gu Longwu almost wanted to stretch out his arms to hug her.

But after all, there was nothing.

He didn't want to admit that he was still afraid of Ah Yan's anger in the end.

He just smiled slowly, and when he saw her turn around to look at him, he quickly explained, "It's almost enough, no one pays attention to this."

Cen Yan disagreed.

He smiled lightly at him, "You're also the general manager of Gu's Group, usually it's fine, but now it's on the cusp of the storm. If you don't pay attention to your personal image, the media will see it, and they will probably catch up on it again."

She looked around at the suit she was ironing, looking at the front and back a few times before she was satisfied.

"It's fine now."

Gu Longwu nodded, changed the shirt by himself, then obediently stood beside him, asking her to help him put on his suit jacket.

The girl's hand strength is very soft.

It was only now that Gu Longwu really felt that they seemed to be living a life.

When he looked down, he couldn't help but speak softly.

"Ah Yan. Do you think we look like a husband and wife now?"

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