The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2289 is where I originally wanted to go

Gaffers are professionals.

He Momo stood at the end of the corridor in her wedding dress, and when she walked slowly forward, she was accompanied by lights and stars all the way.

And her carefully selected music is just right.

"The beautiful bride has come before us, let's applaud her!" The master of ceremonies added a sentence impromptu, and after a few confused words, he handed over the microphone in his hand.

People don't know why.

"What is this doing? Does the bride want to talk?"

"It should be a trendy ceremony now. Maybe it's to thank parents first."

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr. He's daughter slave, maybe you can see him shed tears later."

The people around laughed a few words.

But a large number of people have already discovered that something is wrong.

Because there was no smile on He Momo's face.

She just stood quietly on the stage, her veil had already been lifted, revealing that delicate face.

"Hi everyone, I'm He Momo, the bride today. Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my wedding. But I'm sorry to tell you that something went wrong with the wedding today."

With a "wow", the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Who would have thought that a grand marriage would go wrong before it even started? ?

"What's the situation?"

"Where's Gu Longwu? Why didn't he come and explain!"

"That's right, what's going on, the wedding can be held first for such a big thing."

After the ceremony is over, the toast can be saved.

There was no expression on He Momo's face.

Only a calm voice came from the microphone, "The groom is gone."


Just now someone clamored for the groom to come out and explain.

It's fine now.

"The co-authorship situation means that the groom has run away."

"Can you easily use the word running away? This is escape from marriage!"

"That's not right. Wasn't Gu Longwu still toasting there just now? How to say that he ran was too sudden."

Many people were discussing in low voices.

Even the people at the table with the captain are sitting together, their eyes are full of displeasure.

"What's this called? Gu Longwu, he's playing a fool!"

"No wonder I ran away in a hurry just now. Is the co-author escaping marriage?"

The captain had already thought a lot during the half hour just now.

He was calmer than anyone else present.

"Did any of you see Homura?"


"I didn't see it."

The third child came to a conclusion, "Ah Yan probably didn't come today. I called and she didn't answer."

It just means I don't want to come.

A few of them got together and discussed in a low voice, "Then it couldn't be that Long Wu ran after Ah Yan?"

"If that's the case, it's hard for us to say anything."

The captain frowned.

They can't blame Gu Longwu from the perspective of God, because everyone actually knows Gu Longwu's thoughts on Ah Yan.

"Captain, do you want us to capture Long Wu?"

"That's right. Although it's still not in time for the wedding. But it's still in time to catch him back and re-do the ceremony."

Others couldn't find Gu Longwu, and if they found it, they probably wouldn't be able to catch him.

They go differently.

If a few people went there together, even if Gu Longwu had three heads and six arms, he wouldn't be able to escape today.

But the captain shook his head.

"Don't interfere, just wait and see what happens. I think Miss He seems to have other plans."

He Momo quietly listened to the discussion of the people below, her expression calmer than ever.

"The bridegroom has left. I can't tell you the specific reasons. But what I have to tell you today is that the original wedding ceremony is cancelled, and all gifts will be refunded later. Please finish the meal well. I will go over and apologize to everyone one by one. .”

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Is Gu Longwu a man, he just ran away, leaving the bride alone to clean up the mess???"

He Momo raised her face, "Also, I, He Momo, hereby promise. Although the wedding with Gu Longwu was cancelled, it did not affect the cooperation between Gu He and my two families. My parents and Uncle Gu have also reached an in-depth cooperation. The two families will continue to cooperate in the future. No longer in-laws, but still the closest partners!"

She even smiled a little after the last sentence.

The people below are a little restless now.

Mr. He and his wife only had distressed faces.

"This child... this child is really."

It's an exaggeration to be sensible.

Even Mr. Gu can only feel guilty now.

He Momo said everything he wanted to say, and it was more convincing to say it from her mouth.

If you want to come to Mr. and Mrs. He, you will not object again.

After the wedding is over, the stock prices of the two companies may be affected to some extent, but the damage will be much less than expected.

But He Momo will not be spared.

After all, she will be the "woman abandoned by the groom at the wedding" in everyone's mouth.


Gu Longwu, who had already driven away from the scene and rushed to the airport, was temporarily unaware of all this.

He thought about the consequences.

The stock price plummeted, internal and external troubles.

The old man didn't understand, and everyone was blaming him.

But even with such a consequence, he had to go to the airport to chase Ah Yan back!

The phone is still dialing automatically.

When there was still no one answering, Gu Longwu still didn't give up and dialed over and over again.

But until he was already standing in the airport, there was no response from the phone.

Gu Longwu looked around, in the huge airport hall, but he didn't know where to look for it.

It just suddenly occurred to Mo Xiaobao to tell him.

Flight at two o'clock this afternoon.

At two o'clock in the afternoon...

Gu Longwu asked someone, "Tell me which plane is at two o'clock in the afternoon?"

"At two o'clock, we fly to Iceland..."



He suddenly remembered a conversation he had had.

"Gers is really too hot. Now I would rather be blown by the cold wind in minus ten degrees than bask in the sun here."

"Ten degrees below zero, I won't freeze you to death."

"How could it be? The coldest time in my hometown is more than ten degrees below zero. I'm not afraid of freezing."

Cen Yan smiled at the side at that time, and said in a low voice, "But if it is a mission, the place you will go to is not Gers but Iceland. It's really cold, maybe you miss Gers forty What a summer."

"Yan, do you like Iceland?"

"It's not that I like it, but I used to see a map on world geography. It shows the scenery of Iceland, which is said to be really beautiful."

"Then let's go and have a look together after we leave." Gu Longwu spoke up without thinking.

They have been here for ten years, and the money they saved is hardly used.

Not to mention going to Iceland, even traveling around the world is actually enough. During the time when we were about to leave Gers, everyone made a lot of wishes.

It's just that it's slowly forgotten.

Everyone is busy adjusting to life, busy trying to get back to the real world.

"Okay." Cen Yan replied at that time.

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