The group was still lively, but Gu Longwu obviously didn't have the qualifications to get involved.

He just looked at the screen quietly, and the lively discussion inside seemed to have nothing to do with him suddenly.

For the first time, Gu Longwu felt like an outsider.

Especially when they all wanted to get close to Cen Yan and Mao Mao, he was the only one who would oppose and even obstruct them.

He simply turned off the phone.


A few days later, Ningcheng's much-anticipated Gu He family got married.

The day before the wedding.

The relatives and friends on both sides had already arrived in Ningcheng if they arrived earlier, Mr. Gu even sent Steward Shi out to arrange for everyone to stay in the hotel.

The wedding ceremony is in the hall on the first floor, so it is very convenient to watch the ceremony tomorrow.

Relatively speaking, Gu Zhaili was very deserted.

At this time, Gu Longwu didn't show his temper any more, he obediently greeted the guests in the hotel.

"Long Wu, if you get married tomorrow, you will be the real head of the family! I think your father should really let go of the power in his hands, and some burdens should be handed over to you." After drinking It was the second uncle who patted his shoulder and spoke afterwards.

As far as the blood relationship is concerned, it turns out that Mr. Gu was also his right-hand man when he made his fortune in Ningcheng. Later, when he got older, he returned to the countryside to take care of the elderly a few years ago.

Speaking now, Gu Longwu felt that it didn't matter, but it hit the minds of some people present.

The faces of Qian Luyong and his father changed on the spot.

You must know that before Gu Longwu returns to China, they will still be eyeing the position of chairman.

Even if Gu Longwu returned to Ningcheng for more than a year and assumed the position of general manager, he never gave up.

After all, this young master of the Gu family has never been interested in the company's affairs, and they all know it.

It's just that since the news of Gu He's two marriages came out, they couldn't have any illusions anymore.

With the help of He Jiadang, Gu Longwu is like a tiger with wings added.

In addition to He Momo's ability, they also heard a little about it.

Everything that was painstakingly managed before was easily disrupted by He Momo!

"Second Uncle is impatient. I think Gu Qin's body is still strong, don't worry, don't worry."

"That's right. Uncle Qin won't be happy to hear you say that. Now everyone in the company still relies on him."

When Qian Luyong and his son sang together, they could see the plot in each other's eyes.

This group of people shouldn't be together. With such an opportunity, no one wants to let it go.

Fortunately, my second uncle is not a vegetarian either.

Hearing this, he just smiled, "You guys stretched your hands too far. Ah Qin just had an operation a while ago, and now is a good time to step back and have fun with his grandchildren. We must let him go back when he is old." Don't worry about business, it's not tiring."

"Besides, Long Wu has grown up slowly now, and has the ability to be independent. Why are you worried?"

Second uncle is quite authoritative in the entire Gu family.

After this speech, many people did not speak again.

Most of the people just echoed, "Second Uncle said, start a family and start a business. The old saying is true. Long Wu is now married and has a family. In the future, we as a big family will still point to him."

"That's right! And I've heard about the sister-in-law that Brother Long Wu married. The family background is first-class, and her personal ability is also very outstanding. Then she will be Brother Long Wu's right-hand man! Why are you worried about it?"

It was the younger generation of the Gu family who said this.

The company I just graduated from a while ago.

According to Mr. Gu's request, no matter who these people are, they have to start from the grassroots, and they can open the back door for you, but you must also be qualified for this position.

The elders and the younger seem to agree.

The faces of Qian Luyong and his son are particularly ugly. They are in a difficult situation now. They thought that the old man is in poor health, and Gu Longwu is also an idiot who cannot be supported. They can easily take control of the Gu Group.

At that time, the foreign debts they owed will naturally be paid off, and the skeletons caused by the previous investment failure will be filled in one go.

It's fine now.

Seeing more and more debts, snowballing like a snowball, but the control of Gu's Group has been delayed...

"This is the day of Longwu's great joy, why everyone mentions some business matters. Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to respect Longwu for a few cups!"

Everyone is discussing.

But Gu Longwu was the only one sitting in the center of the storm, as if he had nothing to do with him, and he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

There was a very faint smile on that handsome face, and when other people came to toast, they just smiled lightly.

Said, "Thank you."

Gu Lin was still stunned, "Brother Longwu, why don't you seem to be very happy? The person who should be the most happy today is you!"

"That's right, you're not active at all, you brat!" Mr. Gu was also sitting beside him, and after hearing this, he reprimanded him in a low voice.

Then he raised his head and looked to the other side, "Hey, all of you come over to have a few drinks with Brother Longwu."

"Ok, Uncle Qin, I'll be here soon."

Mr. Gu greeted a few juniors to come over, then he patted Gu Longwu on the shoulder and slowly got up and walked out.

Steward Shi has just brought the latest information, and now it is obvious that there has been new progress.

How could he sit still.

"How about it?"

The two arrived in the room mysteriously, talking very quietly.

"Old man, it's a big turnaround!!!" Steward Shi looked a little excited.

Although he has reached this age, he still can't easily accept the news he just received.

"Guess who is the girl our young master likes?"

"Tell me quickly, don't be secretive." Mr. Gu gave him a glare.

Don't you know your temper? You're still moaning.

"It's Master Cen Yan Cen!!!"

"What?" Mr. Gu was dumbfounded on the spot, picked up his crutches and patted Steward Shi's buttocks directly, "What nonsense are you talking about, Ah Yan is a boy. Even if the two of them were really close, I once doubted it , but this is absolutely impossible! Our Longwu is straight, straight!!"

The old man finally became a little unhappy.

Where is this going?


It is true that Gu Longwu got close to Ah Yan from the beginning, and there was no girl around him, so he was a little suspicious in his heart.

I really wonder if these two people are tricky.

But then didn't a girl appear?
Steward Shi let out an "ouch" and quickly explained, "That's not the case. If Master Cen is not Master Cen, he is not a man!"

"Heh. If it's not a man, can it be a woman?"

Mr. Gu rolled his eyes, and complained in a low voice, "You are a little more reliable in your work, why are you talking nonsense!"

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