The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2253 Gu Longwu only has 2 words of aggrieved now!

Fifth, "!!!"


The others were completely silent, completely shocked by the news.

If it weren't for the screen, you would have seen the exaggerated expressions on everyone's faces at this time!
Waited for 2 minutes.

Someone finally sent a message on the screen.

"No, how could Ah Yan be a girl? We have been together for ten years, and who doesn't know that Ah Yan is a boy. We all eat and live together, and even go to the toilet together..."

Even more intimate topics are discussed together.

The fifth child is now on the verge of social death.

He was completely dumbfounded.

There seems to be a buzzing sound in my head all the time, as if the connection is about to be disconnected.

"No... I don't quite understand. How could Homura be a girl?"

This question is on everyone's mind.

Almost at the same time, they began to recall everything they had experienced in the past.

in Gels.

Eat and drink together and live together.

It's not uncommon for a big quilt to sleep together.

"That's not right! I fought with Ah Yan before, you forgot? It was just hammered on the chest. I dare say it's definitely not a girl! There can't be a girl whose breasts are harder than mine!"

This point, the captain did not explain.

He just made a sighing expression.

"About this matter, I actually didn't know about it at first. It was Ah Yan who took the initiative to inform me a while ago before I knew about the situation."

The reason for the notification was because Cen Yan felt that his appearance had changed too much, and he needed to re-enter the relevant information and report it.

When the captain said this, he was a little bit embarrassed.

"In short, Ah Yan has slowly recovered into her daughter's body. Perhaps she is not able to accept this matter from a psychological level. However, her physical changes no longer allow her to escape. This is why I agree with the third child to speak out. s reason."

Just running away is not the way to go.

Some situations must be faced. If Cen Yan is unwilling to face it, it is good for them to force him.

"In short, there is no need to discuss the specific situation. The point is that Ah Yan is a girl now, and for her life's sake, it is time for her to contact some men and other men as a girl."

The captain emphasized it emphatically.

It wasn't the group of people they were too familiar with, but other, strange men who would make people nervous and arouse female hormones.

It took a while for the others to finally accept this fact.

"That's fine, then I agree. Do you need my help?"

"Yes, yes, yes. If you need me, just let me know. We are all brothers. Let Ah Yan not see each other. Regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, we treat him as a younger brother."

"It's my sister now!"

"Haha. That's right. Anyway, I only have an older brother in my family, and now I have an extra younger sister, which is great!"

Several people smiled and digested the news.

Only the third child was thinking about how to stimulate Gu Longwu.

"So let's get back to business, right? My wife's cousin, whose nickname is Maomao, means to give at least one of Yan's contact information..."

"Who is it? Who was that day, I don't remember anyone named Mao Mao."

The third child hurriedly explained, "It's the one throwing darts against Long Wu!"

"It's him!"

"The young man is not bad looking."

"Yes, yes, the appearance is not bad, but the aspect of character..."

"My wife is guarding it. Although she looks rough, she is actually innocent. She said she fell in love with Ah Yan at a glance, so that day she purposely showed off in order to ask for his contact information. Originally, she wanted to show off in front of Ah Yan, but who I knew I didn't see anyone at all."

The third child sent out a long series of voices, "If you don't believe me, you ask Long Wu. He said that he kept asking Long Wu for Ah Yan's contact information that day, but Long Wu just refused to give it."

Gu Longwu was hard cueed.

He just pops out.

"There is such a thing. But this person is greasy and ugly, I don't agree!"

"You disagree???"

The third child and the third sister-in-law looked at each other and could see the smiles in each other's eyes.

This is not the bait.

"Why don't you agree? You are Ah Yan's friend and not her father, and you can still manage emotional matters? Besides, how greasy is Mao Mao, he is 29 years old, his career is considered to be a little successful, and he looks clean It's clean, it can't be related to the word greasy!"

The others silently agreed.

"I agree with this. It's not ugly or greasy. I just don't know what the conditions are? What kind of work do you do?"

"He started his own business and built a self-media operation company. At present, the annual income of hundreds of thousands is not a problem."

"That's really nice."

The third child continued to talk, he wanted to make Gu Longwu feel itchy.

"The family conditions are even better. My mother is a university professor and my father is an executive of a state-owned enterprise. They are almost retiring."

To put it this way, that is indeed a good condition.

"But we, Yan, are also pretty, and the conditions are even better. If he wants to ask us, Yan, it's still a tall order."

"Isn't it? It depends on whether this kid is sincere..."

The third child looked through the records, but he did not see Gu Longwu talking again.

He opened his mouth directly.

"Then it's settled. If everyone approves, I will push the contact information later and let the two of them meet. Maybe it will be done! You also have to remember to assist and assist..."

"no problem."

"no problem!"

After a long list of copy-pastes.

But suddenly a few more words appeared.

"I disagree!"

The air froze for a few more seconds.

After that, everyone condemned them.

"Gu Longwu, you are sick today, why don't you agree?"

"Exactly! You knew about Ah Yan being a girl early on. If you don't tell us, it's fine if you don't help Ah Yan. Now that such a good thing has happened to Ah Yan, do you still have an opinion?"

"It's only you who likes a girl and is getting married. Can't you see Ah Yan?"

Gu Longwu is clumsy, but he is actually not good at defending.

After waiting for a long time, he finally said, "It's not because of these."

"What's the reason for that? You have to give me a good reason today." This was said by the captain.

The captain, who has always been calm and well-founded, seemed unhappy, "If you object without reason, it's because you have a problem."

Gu Longwu bit his lip tightly and stared at the phone screen.

He is in trouble now.

I can't admit my thoughts on the spot...

That was too much.

Seeing that Gu Longwu hadn't spoken for a long time, the third child suddenly said, "Longwu, you behaved very differently, you denied the scandal, and you didn't agree with Ah Yan's contact with other boys, maybe you like Ah Yan Bar?"

Gu Longwu was taken aback.

Try to keep yourself calm.

After waiting for a long time, he finally took a deep breath, and was about to muster up the courage to admit...

The fifth child has already spoken.

"Impossible. A straight man like Gu Longwu doesn't know what he likes or not. I think he is just unhappy. He has always been very kind to him, Ah Yan, and he will treat other men well in the future. This kind of thing is called a child. Possessive, don't talk to him!"

"Makes sense."

It seemed that a few people had already reached a conclusion while talking.

But Gu Longwu held his breath in his chest, but now he couldn't spit it out.

The whole person can only feel aggrieved!

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