The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2251 I really don't understand

But Gu Longwu really didn't understand.

He took a deep breath, trying to convince her with his logic.

"This matter is indeed beneficial to me. Whether it is promoting my popularity, creating a personality, or even the news of the marriage of the two families, the stock price will rise."

"But what about you? He Momo, you are a girl, you should know the reason why rumors can kill people. This matter will not do you any good!"

Not always.

He Momo complained in her heart and curled her lips.

But there was a smile on his face, with a lively look on his face, "Can I think you care about me with what you are saying now?"

Gu Longwu, "???"

"Obviously, she still looks unwilling to admit it. If you don't care about me, what I'm rumored to have has nothing to do with you."

Men try to calm themselves down.

But now I find that I can't communicate with the woman in front of me.

"You are my employee and my friend. It is only natural to care about you. Why do you have to use such a tone?"

It seems to be very ambiguous!

Gu Longwu hates such a smile!

"Then what if I say it's okay? I don't care about it." He Momo smiled, with a relaxed face, "You also know what kind of education I received, open and inclusive, they have the right to speak, and I will too Defend their right to speak."

"Even if it's a rumor?"


Communication fails.

Gu Longwu only gave her a cold look, "Okay, since you know the consequences, I won't persuade you either. Just know what's going on in your heart."

After speaking, he sat back directly behind the desk, looking like he was about to chase someone away.

He Momo could only smile, turned around and walked forward.


But in Fengcheng.

When the news spread in the past two days, it had completely changed.

The third child who just got married was sitting in the new house, looking at the news in his hand, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Honey, is what you said true? Why can't I believe it now? Why is Yan a girl?"

"Why lie to you. Everyone can see it, okay? It's fine if she wears men's clothing normally, but she was wearing women's clothing that day, and you still can't recognize each of you. You are really blind."

Was scolded by his own wife.

There was nothing he could do.

But at this moment, those who scratched their heads couldn't believe it.

Ah Yan, who has been by my side all the time, has been with each other for more than ten years through life and death.

In the end, tell him now that Ah Yan is a woman? ?

"Follow us in a hail of guns and bullets. During the mission, we fought with men and healed the injuries. The most serious shrapnel slashed her neck and almost hit the main artery. She survived like could it be?" It's a girl."

"What do you mean? Girls can't fight with you? Girls must be worse than boys?"

"No, no, my wife, you misunderstood. I definitely didn't mean that! Of course women can hold up half the sky! What I mean is, in the past ten years, no one has discovered her identity. It's too good to hide it."

The third child couldn't believe it no matter what he thought.

Especially looking at the current news.

"But if you say that Long Wu likes Ah Yan, I will believe it. After all, he has always treated Ah Yan differently."

He was the one who brought the people into the team at the beginning, and in the name of being responsible for the people he brought, he cared about Yana extra.

"Gu Longwu probably didn't know about it before. I suspect he only discovered it recently."


"Don't you think it was wrong for him to look for someone everywhere at the end of the last wedding? Also, the two of them are not single arrows. No matter how I think about it, I feel that they are going in two directions. It's just because of some objective conditions. .”

The third child didn't understand, "What objective conditions? Now that everyone is back, the conditions are good and the environment is good. They don't have to face life and death anymore. In the domestic environment, there is no need to worry about these things at all."

Although they are used to living in danger every day, it does not mean that they do not desire a peaceful and comfortable life.

Even, because of hardships and dangers, they are more aware of the value of peace.

"Forget it, let's not guess about it. After all, Long Wu is going to marry another woman now, and it's probably impossible for them both..."

"Who said that? It's obviously someone else's news. You haven't seen Gu Longwu for so long without showing his face?"

"That's true."

"Then let me ask?" The third child is straightforward.

There is no point in guessing, so it is better to ask Gu Longwu himself.

Otherwise, the people who are on the front line of eating melons will always be the people in the other party's circle of friends.

Immediately went to the group @顾龙武.

Then directly sent the news link.

"What's the matter?"

Gu Longwu replied, "?"

"I asked you, why do you answer me with a question mark?" The third child was helpless, "Who is this girl? Why are you still hiding something from us, kid?"

The man didn't speak for a long time.

He just looked at the phone screen silently, "Fake."


"We thought it was true, and we were happy for a while. Everyone also hopes that you, Long Wu, will get married soon, and you are not too young, so don't procrastinate."

Gu Longwu remained silent.

He looked at the messages in the group and never missed any of them.

After seeing the news from the probe, other people will come out and say a few words.

Only Cen Yan never showed up.

The third child insisted on finding out.

Directly @了凯燕.

"Ah Yan, you are closer to Longwu. He said I don't believe it, tell me if it's true or not?"

Cen Yan was stunned.

She'd seen it since the first message rang.

A few minutes passed, and after swiping dozens of posts, she still didn't speak.

Unavoidable until now.

He could only barely speak, "I don't know."

"Did you meet at the blind date?"

They have also heard about the blind date.

Gu Longwu was struggling and didn't know how to explain it, now is a good opportunity.

"No, no, this is a subordinate of my company. It is estimated that they have been in and out together a few times before, and they were photographed by the paparazzi."

"It's all rumors, don't believe it."

He thought, this just happens to be able to tell Ah Yan.

But when the words fell, no one believed them.

"Really fake?"

"The fake has to become real, right?"

"If it's fake, I hope it's true."

Third child, "Are you talking tongue twisters here?"

"If Long Wu says no, I still believe him. Right, Long Wu? I have never seen you like a girl in all these years. Except for being closer to Yan, there is no one else who is closer to us. Isn't it Yan? ?”

Cen Yan let out a "hmm".

She couldn't deny that.

Seeing her taking the bait, the third child made persistent efforts, "It would be great if Yan was a girl, so we can solve it internally!"

Gu Longwu, "!!!"

other people,"???!"

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