He could only heave a long sigh, "I followed well at first, but I hung far behind when I went out. But when he left the community, he turned to the front. Of course, the road is only two intersections. I just need to see it from a distance to follow."


The old man was anxious, "But what but?"

"After turning the corner, the car disappeared. The road was empty."

The other party looked very shocked.

"I doubt my tracking technology very much now. I have worked for so many years without any problems. Why can't I keep up with you for 5 minutes?"

His lack of confidence took a hit.

"So I really have no choice but to give you your money back."

"Don't!" The housekeeper almost subconsciously refused, "Where can I find someone after you refund the money?"

"Why don't you recommend me something better."

The man let out an "uh", but he didn't know how to answer, "This Ningcheng is so big, everyone in this industry actually knows some news about the other party. There is really no one better than me... If I have to say, there seems to be a personal."


"I'll give you the contact information, you can contact yourself. The money will be refunded directly."

After listening to the other side, the butler hung up the phone directly.

After that, for a long time, it could only be as disorganized as headless chickens.

Both of them froze in place for a long while, until a text message was sent to their mobile phone with a new contact information written on it.

The butler sighed, "Old man, look at the situation, what should we do now?"

Old man, "..."

"Annoying! How did I give birth to such an annoying thing!"


Gu Longwu easily got rid of the people following him.

It can't be said that the other party is obvious, but to him, it is almost equivalent to a light bulb hanging behind.

From the moment I went out, I felt an extra gaze behind me.

And this look is actually very obvious.

Others might not pay much attention to it, but for someone like him who used to lick blood with a knife, it couldn't be more clear.

They have been in Gers for more than ten years, but if they are not paying attention, what awaits them is death.

So now every step is taken with extra care.

As for the tricks to get rid of stalking.

As long as he finds out, with those people's driving skills, he only needs to choose a road with few people, speed up or get stuck at a traffic light, and he will be fine.

But he didn't pursue it, and guessed in his heart that it was someone arranged by the old man.


At this moment, Gu Longwu had the same sigh as Mr. Gu.

Really annoying.


But even if he left home, he had nowhere to go.

Like a coincidence.

The phone rang.

It was He Momo who called.

"Today is off, do you have any arrangements?"

"No." Gu Longwu told the truth, he was still driving around aimlessly, not knowing where he was going.

There was a smile on the other side, "If there is no arrangement, how about I arrange it for you?"

There was a pause on the phone for a few seconds, and silence spread.

At that moment, He Momo was almost not confident.

She has to wonder if she is really ugly, and everyone in the past is a rainbow fart.

Otherwise, how could he take the initiative like this, and this man is still indifferent.

But the next moment, she received the answer she wanted.

"Where to go."

"Just wait for me at Diwang Building later."

Gu Longwu let out a "hmm" and looked at the map.

His current location is not too far from Diwang Building, half an hour's drive away.

Then he turned around and drove over there.


When He Momo appeared, she was wearing a small white dress, she looked neat and tidy, and even her makeup was much more comfortable than usual.

Gu Longwu was waiting at the coffee shop at the door.

It wasn't until He Momo came over that she narrowed her eyes and looked at her, "The time is just right."


"You are very comfortable in what you are wearing today, and it is very suitable for our trip."


Gu Longwu squinted his eyes slightly and looked at her for a while, but he didn't speak, his voice was extremely calm, "Where are you going?"

"Just follow me."

he kept asking.

But He Momo never gave a positive answer.

Just waved to him and asked him to follow him.

"Where is the car?"


Gu Longwu stopped directly at the entrance of the mall.

"Well, let it continue to park here, let's walk there, it's not far ahead."

Women come out to play, nothing more than that.

Go shopping and eat.

But Gu Longwu didn't expect that the destination He Momo took him to was the playground.

"You play this?"

This playground is not big.

But it is notoriously a project stimulus.

There are no activities suitable for children at all, and everything directly goes to extreme sports.

"That's right. I heard about this playground when I came back, and said it was very exciting. I just haven't played it before, can I try it?"

Gu Longwu looked at the girl standing in the sun and nodded.


Of course she would not object.

You can even accompany them.

"It's just that if you vomit, I won't take care of you." Before getting on the roller coaster, Gu Longwu made a notice in advance.

He frowned and looked at He Momo, as if to determine whether she was trying to be brave or really so tough.

And He Momo just patted her chest and assured, "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be fine."

Wait until the roller coaster.

Gu Longwu looked at the front with a blank expression, and he didn't even close his eyes.

These things are actually too childish for him.

But there was screaming all the time.

This is what makes him uncomfortable.

Wait until you get off the roller coaster.

Gu Longwu stood directly beside him, looking at the pale woman with shortness of breath.

"Are you still playing?"

"Wait, wait a minute. I can continue after I rest!"

He Momo held on to the railing with one hand and Gu Longwu with the other.

Then he immediately let go, and turned to clutching his chest.

Nausea is real!
Her whole body was stuffy.

After waiting for a long time, he managed to slow down a bit.

But he saw Gu Longwu coming from not far away, took a bottle of water from the vending machine and handed it to her.

"Drink this."

"It's a bit cold." He Momo said in a low voice, with some helplessness in her tone.

But the man didn't understand at all, he just frowned and looked at her, "What's wrong with the ice?"

He Momo was helpless, "It's not convenient for me to eat ice recently."


Gu Longwu was confused.

He doesn't quite understand these things.

Just holding the water in my hand, it has been hanging in the air, I don't know whether to continue to pass it or take it back.

He Momo just thought it was funny, so she walked straight through and put it under the sun, "Then I'll drink it later, and wait for it to thaw a little."

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