The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2180 How can this be taken seriously!

Gu Longwu looked from the side.

It is just across the road, and the high-speed rail has been built on the other side of the road, and the surrounding villages should have been relocated long ago.

But this side on the other side of the road is still the same.

This is really... the tears of the times.

"Tell me, for those villagers, do they want to relocate or not?" He Momo couldn't help sighing.

But obviously, Gu Longwu would not answer such a strange question.

He even just gave a blank stare.

Then he said coldly, "People in the urban area are rushing to demolish it, but not in the suburbs."


Gu Longwu looked at her like a fool now.

He replied coldly, "Because the prices are different."

He Momo, "..."

Who would have thought it would be such an answer?

Why is the price in the urban area far from that in the suburbs?

She doesn't understand.

Fortunately, Gu Longwu didn't need her to understand.

He had already lifted his legs and walked in directly.

As usual, Pan Ruandong picked them up outside the door. No matter how many times they came, his etiquette was always just right.

After waiting for a while, he took the two of them directly to drink tea.

"What kind of tea do you two want to drink this time?"

Gu Longwu smiled, "Anything you want."

He Momo next to her also echoed, "The Pu'er last time was pretty good too."

But as soon as these words came out, Pan Ruandong stopped talking.

He looked to the side, his eyes were on Gu Longwu's face.

There was nothing wrong with the expression of the latter, but Pan Ruandong could already clearly sense it, and took the initiative to tell the secretary next to him, "Change."

"Which kind?"

"The can by my bedside."

The secretary was obviously taken aback, and gave Gu Longwu and Gu Longwu a strange look.

I was probably thinking in my heart, what can they do to make the boss take out the treasures beside the bed.

But still went to get it.

After a while, I saw him coming over with an unattractive can.

When making tea, Pan Ruandong took it, and his actions were called cautious, as if he was afraid of being bumped.

And this appearance naturally fell into Gu Longwu's eyes.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and finally saw the difference this time.

He took the initiative to say, "I'll do it."

"You?" Pan Ruandong was taken aback, he couldn't believe it, "President Gu still knows tea ceremony?"

"Know a thing or two." Gu Longwu took the initiative to take the tool in his hand, afraid that he would not believe it, so he explained, "My father likes it very much."

"Mr. Gu, I seem to have heard that he is a master of the tea ceremony."

Pan Ruandong is a temptation.

But Gu Longwu didn't know whether it was because of his low EQ or what, so he responded directly.


The man's eyes were serious, and he made tea seriously.

But the seemingly simple actions were enough to shock Pan Ruandong.

He was right.

Just these few moves, Gu Longwu is a professional.


Gu Longwu's eyes lowered slightly, "The key to making tea is an appropriate speed, not the slower the better. It's not that pretentiousness will definitely make good tea. Every kind of tea is made in a different way."

Pan Ruandong raised his eyes, looking suddenly enlightened.

"It turns out that Mr. Gu still knows so much. You have been taught, you have been taught."

Gu Longwu shook his head, "This tea must be Taiping Monkey King."

When he said the name casually, Pan Ruandong knew that this kid was indeed an expert!
A pair of small eyes are full of surprises.

"That's right. It's indeed Taiping Houkui. At the price at the auction that year, I gritted my teeth and bought a few catties. Except for giving away, there are only two cans left. Even if I save it, it's not much now. "

Gu Longwu just closed the lid of the teacup.

Wen Yan looked up at him, "I have them at home."


"Taiping Houkui, if Mr. Pan likes it, I will give it to you."

Pan Ruandong was taken aback, but he also knew that no meritorious deeds will not be rewarded, so he immediately smiled and forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Just looking at Gu Longwu quietly like this, "What General Manager Gu said really touched my heart. But even if I like these teas, I can't just agree to the terms of your contract just for these things."

Gu Longwu looked at him expressionlessly, but quietly put the teacup in front of him.

"It's ready, try it."

"Okay okay."

Tasting tea, of course, is also particular about it.

He Momo on the side watched Pan Ruandong's movements, and suddenly there was a contrast.

"The tea last time..."

But don't pay attention to these at all, just pick it up and drink it.

Gu Longwu finally turned around and took a look at her.

And it was this glance that made He Momo react.

The tea of ​​the co-authoring day is completely different from today's.

Seeing Pan Ruandong's obsessive appearance, there is a high probability that the last time...was fake.


After Pan Ruan Dongzai tasted it carefully, the way he looked at Gu Longwu was completely different.

"President Gu, this is really... a top-notch technique!"

Gu Longwu frowned, "No, I just learned a little from the old man."

"Don't be humble, don't be humble. It just feels like drinking it is very different from my usual taste. Now that I think about it for so many years, I just tried to buy good tea, but I didn't have time to study the skill of making tea carefully. Lost the original taste."

"That's it. I'll ask the butler to come over later."


"Well." Gu Longwu explained, "I have been with my father for more than 40 years. In terms of tea-making skills, I can only surpass my father."

Now, Pan Ruandong really couldn't sit still.

"General Manager Gu's words are serious!"

"Of course. The butler is getting old, and now he is taking care of himself at home, so he is idle too."

He's even a little bit selfish.

The butler is now bigger than himself, so it's fine to have an old man discipline him all day long, and add another butler.

It's annoying enough every day.

It would be nice to take this opportunity to let him come out to play.

Little did he know that the housekeeper who was far away at home covered his nose and sneezed twice, something was wrong.

"Who's talking about me?"


Pan Ruandong forcibly suppressed his excitement, "Okay, since General Manager Gu is so sincere, then I will also put my words here. According to the terms of the contract you gave me, my price must be so high that it is not worth it at all. No less. But if Mr. Gu is willing to revise the contract, the price can be negotiated with you!"

Have a show? !

Gu Longwu and He Momo looked at each other, and they could see the flash of surprise in each other's eyes.

Co-authored by so many people who came one after another without success, and now there is a major progress because of a skill of making tea?

"Contract terms." Gu Longwu pondered these words carefully.

But he didn't ask Pan Ruandong, saying that since you are not satisfied with the terms of the contract, why didn't you bring it up?

Instead, directly accept it.

"Okay. After I go back, I will convene a meeting with the staff to make a new plan."

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