The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2173 Is he a straight man?

Speechless all the way.

He Momo was full of energy and did not rest on the way back.

Instead, I have been looking at the data and analyzing the situation.

"I think this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. One is to see the specifics. What is the difference between the contract that Pan Ruandong agreed to and what we are giving now. If you can't get it, then you have to investigate the situation around Let's see if this Pan Ruandong is consistent with his words and deeds, and he wants to help those disabled people from the bottom of his heart."

"That's right. Do you know where the person who left the job before is?"

"I don't know."

Gu Longwu did not investigate further.

He is very clear that even if the other party really has a way, there is a high probability that they will keep it secret.

Otherwise, he should have hid abroad by now, and I'm afraid he won't come back before the end of this project.

Just entered the city.

Gu Longwu's phone buzzed.


"Master, are you coming back soon?"

"Another four and ten minutes."

It was Lao Zhang who called, and he made it clear that there was something wrong.

Then he said directly, "That's right, there will be a business partner dinner in the evening, if it's convenient, can you attend?"

Stop here.

What Gu Longwu dislikes the most is attending such occasions.

It's nothing more than a group of people taking advantage of the dinner party to socialize with each other, looking for opportunities to build relationships with each other.

Not interesting.

He was about to refuse on the spot.

But Lao Zhang jumped ahead of him, "Tonight's banquet is very important, and Vice President Qian... will also go."

Qian Luyong.

His cheap cousin.

Gu Longwu frowned, his complexion became ugly on the spot.

The meaning of Lao Zhang is also very obvious, "This time is a thank-you banquet held by one of our important partners. Apart from Gu's, other companies will also participate. It can be said that everyone in Ningcheng will be there. If you go, then On behalf of the Gu family, if Vice President Qian is allowed to go..."

In the future, many people may think that Qian Luyong is Gu's spokesperson.

"Got it. Send me the address."

After finally waiting for Gu Longwu's words, Lao Zhang suddenly laughed, "Okay, I'll send it to you right away!"

His voice suddenly became excited, "That's right, and this dinner is different from usual. If the general manager can, it's better to bring a female companion. The clothes should also be more formal. I have reserved a restaurant here. , Just go there an hour in advance before you go."

Old Zhang Qian reminded Wan Wan, for fear that Gu Longwu would come in disorder.

He went to the company in a sloppy manner today, and when he left, he went to meet clients, and he was wearing casual clothes, so that's fine.

But now such a formal dinner party, if it is not cleaned up properly, it will be really shameful.

Gu Longwu said "hmm", "It's okay to change clothes, female companion... Do you have to bring it?"

"Yes!" Old Zhang originally wanted to say his best.

But suddenly it occurred to me, isn't Ms. He right next to her?
Isn't this a ready-made female companion? !

Then he affirmed loudly, "It must be sure and sure! No one will go without a female companion, at least they must bring their secretary. It's a pity that your secretary is me... But the general manager must have a way."

"Okay. I know what you mean." Gu Longwu was a little annoyed, and hung up the phone directly.

He turned to look at He Momo, "Going?"

The latter smiled and raised his chin slightly, "Mr. Gu, this is you asking me for help. You should change your tone."

"Love will not go."

Gu Longwu was very casual.

Let her go because she has good social skills and looks good.

It doesn't matter if you don't go.

And this attitude made He Momo feel very depressed.

All the words she had prepared could only be swallowed back.

For example, if Mr. Gu said something nice, I would consider it.

If you let me go, you will owe me something in the future.


The smile on He Momo's face was stiff, but she still responded.

Seeing that this man is not happy, she still has to go.

"It's just what time is it? It's getting late now, I have to go back and change clothes and put on makeup."

"Need not."

"Huh?" He Momo was shocked, "You don't want to just let me go like this, do you? That's not okay, I can't be ashamed if you are ashamed."

Gu Longwu turned his head and glanced at her, the scrutiny in his eyes was already very obvious.

"You look pretty good now."

Ok? ? ?
He Momo couldn't believe it!
This straight man.

Praise yourself? ?
But when Gu Longwu turned the steering wheel, he turned directly into a small alley, "Old Zhang has arranged a store, just go directly. You don't need to go home."

"Oh ok." He Momo didn't react at all for a while.

How could she have imagined that a straight man like Gu Longwu would have a day of boasting.

And how to say it.

Some people praise girls very smoothly, so naturally everyone gets used to it after hearing it.

But Gu Longwu is such a dead straight man.

What he said must have credibility.

For example, if he is beautiful, at least at that moment just now, he must feel really beautiful in his heart!

He Momo couldn't help thinking far away.

Maybe Gu Longwu actually admires him, but it's not easy to show it when they first met.

"Why are you in a daze before you get out of the car?"

He Momo, "?"

Only then did she realize that the car had parked next to a custom shop.

This street is behind the mall, and there are no people outside just right.

On the one hand, it is secluded, on the other hand, the rent is acceptable, but the location is also convenient.

It is the most suitable for such a custom shop.

Just pushed open the glass door.

Someone inside has already warmly greeted them.

"Is it Mr. Gu?"


"Mr. Zhang has already ordered, please come to the two of you. There are already a few sets of matching clothes here. Do you think there is anything you like?"

"I'm free." Gu Longwu didn't care at all.

Anyway, it's a suit.

Although he doesn't like to wear clothes, basic etiquette must always be maintained when attending events and banquets.

He pointed directly at the retro black set next to him, "That's it."

"Mr. Gu has a really good eye. This set is reserved by the designer in our store. Needless to say, the craftsmanship of the clothes is mainly due to the design. There are dark gold thread embroidery patterns, which can't be seen normally, but when it comes to lighting rumors, But you can see some lines."

"En." Gu Longwu's attitude was only two words from beginning to end.


But He Momo became a little interested, "What are you embroidering?"


The shopkeeper only said these two words, but the specific lines couldn't be seen clearly under the current light.

He Momo didn't ask any more questions.

"Anyway, it's a retro style."

She thought for a while, "Then I know what I'm going to wear."

Gu Longwu went to change into a suit, basically there was nothing else to do.

His hair is very short. Before he came back, his hair was basically short, and it was really only three inches long.

Now it has grown a lot, Ah Yan said that living in Ningcheng, no matter what, she has to make herself look kinder and not full of hostility.

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