"of course can."

After getting an affirmative answer, Gu Longwu was finally able to leave here.

It's just that when he walked out, when he looked up, he could only see the gray sky.

Look at the watch.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Too much time has been wasted back and forth, and now I want to find Ah Yan again, I am afraid it will not be easy.

Gu Longwu had no choice but to take a taxi back to the vicinity of the shopping mall, pay the parking fee and pick up the car. On the way, he bought two hamburgers to satisfy his hunger, and then drove all the way to the destination.

If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple.

Even if Ah Yan really ran away, then Xiao Tang is an aborigine in Anning County.

The whole family should live here, at least he can be found.

Come to think of it, he must know Ah Yan's whereabouts.

But when he arrived in the community, Gu Longwu went to Cen Yan's residence immediately.

The property management of the old community is relatively loose. There is no access control downstairs, and you don't even need to scan your face to go straight up.

He goes upstairs.

When he arrived at the door of Cen Yan's residence, he raised his hand and rang the doorbell.

He just changed the front door a while ago, it is strong and clean, and the combination lock is shiny.

But Gu Longwu, who thought he couldn't knock, found the door was already open when he rang the doorbell for the first time.

"you are?"

The person who opened the door was my cousin.

She had a suddenly realized expression on her face, "Mr. Gu, I just ran into you over there and wondered if I came to Anning County to look for Ah Yan. But Ah Yan is not here."

"Not here?"

Originally, Gu Longwu also felt absent.

But since he knocked on the door, it's hard to say if he's there.

"Yeah. If you don't believe me, you can come in and watch." The cousin also opened the door to let Gu Longwu in according to the script agreed earlier in the morning.

She seemed to be cleaning the house, and there were traces of just mopping the floor.

Gu Longwu looked around, only seeing his cousin and the little girl sitting on the sofa.

"This is my niece, who just started elementary school this year. My niece is called uncle."

"Hello, uncle."

The little girl's mental state is not very good, she is listless.

The cousin came over and explained, "I was fine at school in the morning, but suddenly I had a fever. Don't rush to pick it up, the fever will slowly subside after taking the medicine."

Gu Longwu didn't care about these things.

He only walked around the room and bathroom.

This house is not big.

The layout of two bedrooms and one living room is still an old-fashioned apartment type, only eighty or ninety square meters, and you can see the end at a glance.

There is nowhere to hide.

"I told you, Ah Yan isn't here."

"He's not here, so what are you cleaning the house for?"


The cousin was taken aback for a moment.

He quickly remembered what Cen Yan had said earlier in the morning, "Ah Yan said earlier that this house is vacant, so let's rent it out. Anyway, he doesn't plan to live in it."

Not going to live?

Gu Longwu frowned.

It was nothing like what he had heard on the phone.

What Cen Yan said was true.

To live in Anning County.

Why all of a sudden, it became a rental.

Gu Longwu looked his cousin up and down, trying to determine if she was lying.

In fact.

He has ten thousand ways to judge, but those are all ways to treat prisoners, and it is not good to use them on these people.


Sitting next to him was a cute little girl doll.

Gu Longwu walked over directly and knelt down in front of her.

"Your name is Nannie."

The little girl blinked her beautiful eyes, then nodded directly.


She wasn't too shy, but seeing that the aura in front of her was too strong, she still seemed nervous.

There is a little crimson on the fleshy face, holding a soft doll in his hand, he looks very cute.

"Then uncle asks you a question, can you answer uncle honestly?"


"Where is Uncle Cen Yan now?"

Nannan thought for a while, "I don't know, I didn't see Uncle Yan when I came back."

Uncle Yan.

It's a very kind name.

Gu Longwu raised his eyes slightly, and there was a shrewd look in his eyes.

And at the moment when the girl was talking, he could still see the relieved expression on the woman's face from the corner of his eye.

This is also... too obvious.

Maybe the girl doesn't know.

But this woman must know.

Anning County is so big, Ah Yan can indeed hide in other places he doesn't know.

But as long as he lives here, he cannot avoid these people he knows.

Gu Longwu's mind is a little confused now.

He still had the cheongsam woman he saw in the shop just now in his mind.

If I didn't guess wrong, it was Ah Yan.

"Since Nannan doesn't know, I won't ask any more questions. How about this, Nannan, uncle will take you to buy some delicious snacks, as a thank you."

"No need!" Before the little girl could answer, her cousin had already rushed to refuse.

She looked a little anxious, and directly hugged her back, "She still has a fever. Besides, it's really inappropriate to ask you to buy her snacks. I haven't had time to formally thank Mr. Gu for the previous incident. I think you also contributed a lot. .”

Gu Longwu raised his eyebrows. After getting up, the 1.9-meter height felt more oppressive out of thin air.

With a gentle voice, "I can't help with Jiang Ping's matter."

He just has what to say.

If you don't help, you don't help, and you don't have to take credit for it.

The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

The cousin simply did not stay.

She took her bag and was about to leave with her daughter, "The cleaning is almost done, and it's time for me to go back."

No one was chased away.

He didn't even ask Gu Longwu to leave together.

When she left in a hurry, she didn't even bother to close the door.

Such behavior, from a psychological point of view, is already obviously guilty.

Gu Longwu raised his eyebrows and looked at the mother and son walking away.

How to describe it.


It's full of flaws.


He looked around the room.

Suddenly thought of something, and went straight to the cabinet in the room.

Open it and take a closer look.

There were only some clothes that Yan had worn many years ago, and there were two white T-shirts in the corner.

But Ah Yan really has too many T-shirts, and he wears them all year round. Some of them have different patterns, but Gu Longwu really can't recognize them.

Then close the door directly.

But when he opened the drawer under the cabinet, he suddenly froze.

There are some very strange items inside.

The little vest was rolled up and stored away.

This he can understand.

After all, some men also wear clothes to make a bottom.

But... in the drawer next door, what are those little packets?

Pressed, a little soft.

Next to it is a pipe.


Gu Longwu picked it up subconsciously, and thought it was a very strange object, so he took it back and studied it, maybe there might be clues.


In fact, everything is already clear, and he doesn't need to spend too much energy to obtain information.

And the next thing to do is to find Xiao Tang.

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