Cen Yan couldn't hold back her.

She never discovered that she actually has a big problem.

When the girl Ruan Nuo Nuo came over to act like a baby with her, she couldn't resist at all.

There was Tang Yao in the front and cousin in the back.

Oh no, there is a girl in the middle.

After all, as long as a girl talks softly to her, or looks at her with bright eyes, as long as the request is not too excessive, it seems difficult to refuse.

"Okay, then I'll try something else."

She was about to turn around and go in.

And just behind him came a mechanized "Welcome" voice.

Cen Yan looked back.

Just in time to see the man who opened the glass door and walked in.

The air froze for a moment.

"Hello, do you want to help someone buy clothes?" The shopkeeper looked at the 1.9-meter tall man in front of him, and walked over to receive him.

And the opponent's aura was extremely strong, just standing there, the air felt a little cramped.

The shopkeeper opened his mouth, but got no response.

He just stood there quietly, frowning at the few people in front of him.

"Ah... you are that... Ah Yan's friend." The cousin was the first to speak. Although she was puzzled, she still took the initiative to say hello, "Is Mr. Gu right?"

She saw it once, and she was impressed.

It seems that the other party also helped with Jiang Ping's matter?

Seeing that Ah Yan has been silent, he suddenly thought of a certain point.

Could it be that this person never knew that Yan was a girl?

How could he know!

After all, I was only informed last night.

When the cousin thought of this, she panicked completely.

She walked over directly and snatched Xiaotang's cell phone.

"what are you doing?"

"We're playing a team."

"What kind of group are you still playing...someone is here."

Xiao Tang was puzzled, but followed her gaze and raised his head.

Just looking to the side.

"Hey, Gu Longwu? Why are you here?"

He almost subconsciously turned his gaze to Cen Yan.

Xin said that they only decided to come to this mall this morning, if no one informed Gu Longwu how would they come here.

Could it be that Ah Yan has already confessed to Gu Longwu that he wants to meet here in women's clothes?

But the moment Gu Longwu spoke, Xiao Tang knew he was wrong.

"Let me ask you, where is Ah Yan?"

Xiao Tang, "????"

The cousin only dared to sneak a glance at Cen Yan, but how dare she say a word.

I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, I would reveal my secrets.

And the clerk next to him was even more confused.

If she remembered correctly, this person was named Ah Yan just now.

Isn't the Ah Yan in the mouth of the person who followed in is the same person?

But the owner also wisely chose not to speak.

And it was only now that Cen Yan finally came to his senses, forcibly suppressing the tension in his heart.

Silently took the clothes from the owner's hand, "I'll try it on again."

She turned around without hesitation and walked directly to the fitting room.

After the door was closed, in the small confined space, I could finally calm myself down.


Why did Gu Longwu appear here?

He knew he was in Anning County, so he came here?
But...do you just know that you are shopping for clothes?

Cen Yan was sure that no one was following him along the way.

With his own anti-reconnaissance ability, it is impossible for someone to follow all the way without being detected.

So it can only be a coincidence.

That's right.

Gu Longwu didn't recognize her when he met her just now.

Women's clothing is the best way to cover up now, as long as she pretends to be an ordinary customer and doesn't know her cousin, she can get away.

And there were voices coming from outside.

Xiao Tang seemed to understand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I said, Mr. Gu, last time we came back, you just followed us. This time you followed? People who don't know think that Ah Yan is not your brother, but Where's your girlfriend?"

Gu Longwu narrowed his eyes slightly, because he was already very irritable because he hadn't seen Ah Yan.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Hurry up and tell me where Yan is."

"Oh. You don't want to talk nonsense with me, why do you still ask me? Find it yourself."

Xiao Tang directly pulled his wife, "We will buy clothes next time, let's go home."

Just now, they have received a message from Cen Yan on their mobile phone, telling them to leave first.

Xiao Tang cooperated very well.

The cousin took a look into the fitting room, then lip-spoken a few words to the clerk.


Then he followed Xiao Tang and left.


People are gone.

In the shop, only Gu Longwu and the shop owner were staring at each other.

The latter smiled, "Or would you like to bring a piece of clothing back?"

Gu Longwu walked out without even looking at her.

He didn't come to buy clothes.

And heard footsteps leaving.

Only then did Cen Yan dare to come out of the fitting room.

He has already taken off the dark blue cheongsam just now, and put on the T-shirt that was turned around earlier.

He directly took out his mobile phone to pay, "Please give me a bag, just buy this one."


The owner is very cooperative.

Looking at her with a smile, "Is there anything else?"

"This one is enough."

"It looks good on it, you can wear one more."

Cen Yan shook his head.

She wasn't in the mood to buy these clothes at all, it was just because she couldn't beat her cousin.

Now as long as you can stagger with Gu Longwu.

He waited silently for about 10 minutes, thinking that Gu Longwu had almost left, and then decided to go out.

But just pushed open the glass door...

A low and familiar voice came from beside him.

"Ah Yan."

Cen Yan's blood froze!
This is Gu Longwu's voice!

He is here.

"Ah Yan, it's really you."

Cen Yan didn't dare to look back now.

She could only imagine what Gu Longwu's expression would be when he found out his identity.

It is even more impossible to face all this.

If she could regard all the dangers in the past as life, the tension and fear at this moment are extremely terrifying!
dare not look back.

Can't go back!

Within a ten-thousandth of a second, countless thoughts flashed through Cen Yan's mind.

In the end, it's a subconscious decision.

run now.

Run as far as possible.

As long as she wasn't caught by Gu Longwu, she didn't have to admit it.


Just disappear completely like this, so that he will never be found.


Anyway, according to the current developmental situation, if we meet again in the future, there is a high probability that we will not be able to hide it.It would be better to disappear now.

Disappear completely.

"Ah Yan!" Gu Longwu was taken aback.

I really didn't expect her to run away.

Before my mind could digest the picture I just saw, my body had already reacted very directly.

Since he wants to run.

Then chase.

Anyway, it's not something that can be figured out in a short while, so it's better to catch the person first and ask him carefully.

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