The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 213 Everything Looks So Quiet

Everything outside gradually quieted down again, and Bai Xiran fell into a deep sleep.

In her dream, she dreamed of many people, dreamed of the fire, the man who wanted to kidnap her madly, and... the wrinkled little child who was just born.

In the dream, he was calling her Ma Ma sweetly.

The little guy is very cute, cute and lovable, even though he was born prematurely, he is not affected, and he still looks soft and tender, which is very lovable.

and many more……

Premature delivery!

Bai Xiran suddenly woke up!
The ward was not quieter than before, and there were many people standing in front of the bed.

The doctor in a white coat looked serious, and pushed the frame of the glasses, "The condition of the parturient is not bad, and she can be discharged after a few days of recuperation, and there is no need to transfer to another hospital. Of course, if you insist..."

Who else could make the doctor patiently explain besides Mo Junzhe.

Obviously, he was already very dissatisfied with the environment of this small hospital. At this moment, his entire face was gloomy. Although there was no anger on his face, his voice became deeper and deeper, obviously displeased.

It's just that Mo Junzhe just turned his eyes back at this time, and saw Bai Xiran who had just woken up.

With just one glance, the coldness in the black eyes dissipated a lot.

Bai Xiran saw that he seemed about to get angry, so he stretched out his hand and gently tugged at the corner of the man's clothes, and said softly, "Don't be angry, it saved my life and the baby's life here, it's good of."

When she said this, Mo Junzhe softened his temper immediately, and didn't say any more, just gently squeezed her soft palm, "Are you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

She only woke up that once after giving birth, and it was already afternoon, and her stomach was already empty.

And after the anesthesia passed, the wound was still painful, and her little face remained pale.

"Hungry... want something delicious."

A barely detectable smile flashed in Mo Junzhe's eyes, "It's ready."

He leaned over and put an extra pillow behind her to make her more comfortable.

Bai Xiran, on the other hand, suddenly remembered something, looked at the doctor who was still standing next to him, "Let's stay for about a week, thank you for saving me and the baby this time, and I won't be transferred until the baby and I recover. .”

She thought for a while and explained with a smile, "If Uncle Mo threatens you to bankrupt the hospital or something, just ignore it."

Then he went to pull Mo Junzhe's hand again, "You're scaring people by talking. The baby is still in the hospital, how can I transfer to the hospital at this time."

"Baby?" The doctor looked dazed after listening for a long time, "Mrs. Mo, you mean..."

Bai Xiran smiled brightly, "Of course it's our baby. He's still in the incubator. I'll go see him when I can get out of bed."

"Incubator? But he already..."

"Shut up!" The doctor was about to say something, but the man next to him interrupted him, and said coldly, "Get out."

After he said a word, the doctor naturally didn't dare to say more, so he went out with the nurse.

Bai Xiran was still baffled, "Uncle Mo, why didn't you let the doctor finish what he was going to say just now?"

"Because you want to eat." Mo Junzhe interrupted her words domineeringly, and ordered coldly.

Then he opened the insulated box that had been placed on the table early in the morning, took out the ceramic spoon with a calm face, and scooped it up to feed her.

The little wife is well-behaved and obedient, even though her body hurts badly, she always tries her best not to cry out.

The rest of the daylight outside came in, and her little face was sweet and quiet.

Everything... looked so peaceful.

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