The room fell completely silent.

Tang Yao lifted her lips, clearly wanting to say something more.

But in the end, he didn't say a word.

She just sat on the bed, thinking about Gu Longwu's words seriously.

I thought to myself, that should have some hints, but I didn't understand it.

And the truth.

Gu Longwu had already made up his mind.

Now that he has confirmed Ah Yan, no matter what the future holds, even if the two of them cannot be together, or even express their feelings to Ah Yan, they will never marry another woman.

"By the way, where did Ah Yan go?" Tang Yao looked around, but she never found Cen Yan.

"Going to do something." Gu Longwu waved his hand, seeing her looking for Ah Yan, his mood would drop accordingly.

There will always be some strange thoughts in my heart.

He squinted his eyes and stared at Tang Yao, "I ask you, you always look for Ah Yan. Do you have thoughts about him?"


"I'm warning you, don't think about Yan's idea, he is not a man you can imagine."

When he said this, Gu Longwu's tone was particularly blunt, and he stared at Tang Yao very sharply, as if she would really do something if she said something wrong.

Tang Yao suddenly became nervous again.

Her voice was soft and shallow, but she bit her lip and explained, "I didn't mean that. I really didn't."


Gu Longwu didn't believe it.

Ah Yan is so good, it is entirely possible that this woman has thoughts about him.

Anyway, pay more attention.

"Okay, you take care of yourself here."

"it is good."


the other side.

Cen Yan went directly to the Four Seasons Hotel.

In fact, there is no information to be found here.

Whether it was the person who did the tricks that night, or Gu Longwu, or the person she arranged, they had already turned the hotel upside down.

Now that he was standing here, he directly opened the same room as that day.

In the room that he and Gu Longwu opened that night, because of getting drunk, he left by himself.

It was early morning when we left.

It doesn't make sense that someone would come in at that time...

and many more.

Although the monitoring at the door was broken, Gu Longwu's temper, as long as he could get up and walk outside, he would no longer be controlled by others.

So there is a high probability that someone sent Tang Yao here.

It was after the fact.

She asked Tang Yao, and when she woke up, she was covered with a quilt and still had a piece of clothing on her body.

If someone doesn't care, why bother to care about her innocence?
There was some unavoidable reason, or there was a secret that had to be hidden, that man sent Tang Yao to the next door.


There are secrets.

Cen Yan suddenly thought of something.

For a moment, she felt that she was close to the truth!
Song Zhao.

It can only be him!

A man with a secret.

Thinking of this, Cen Yan opened the door and walked out.

When she walked to the door, she suddenly found a person sneaking outside.


The man wanted to run away the first time he saw her.

But Cen Yan had quick eyes and quick hands, and rushed over to subdue him directly.

You can control people in your hands without any effort.

"Take me to meet the person behind you." Cen Yan only said this sentence coldly.

She knew better than anyone else that the person behind who was called to follow him could only be Song Zhao.

But this person was threatened by her, but at this moment, he didn't have any ability to resist.

Seeing that he wanted to speak, Cen Yan squeezed his neck harder, "No need to speak, take me there."

She's really strong.

And the strength to grasp is just right.

It can make people very uncomfortable, and it will make people feel that their lives are being threatened, but it won't really kill him.

The man had no choice but to point to the elevator entrance and take Cen Yan down with him.

The two went directly to the first floor.

But when they were standing next to the black car in the parking lot, the other party suddenly struggled.

The people in the car were still smoking, but they saw Cen Yan at a glance.

Immediately roared.

"Everyone come and help!"

Cen Yan took advantage of the situation and threw the man on the ground.

The man couldn't stop coughing, and immediately stood up after falling to the ground, how could he dare to delay at all.

"what happened?"

"He suddenly appeared and asked us to take him to meet the people above."

Cen Yan looked at the two people after a few seconds, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes.

He just looked at each other quietly, with some coldness in his eyes, "Which of you is in charge?"

From the beginning to the end, Cen Yan obviously just stood there without moving, and he didn't even raise his hand to make a vicious look.

But his eyes were cold, and the stern aura emanating from his body could force them to weaken their aura.

The man in the middle smothered the cigarette, took a step forward, "Me!"

"Very good." Cen Yan parted his lips and smiled, but he didn't want to waste time, so he went straight to the few people.

In the face of absolute power, there is no need for any opportunism, let alone technical content.

Almost at the moment when the three of them were about to make a move, Cen Yan just swung his fist.

With an extremely fast speed, it directly hit the door of the man in the middle!
"Brother Zhang!"


Exaggerated cries of pain came out.

The other two still want to rush forward.

But frightened by Cen Yan's momentum, he didn't dare to move.

Cen Yan just put down his hands, and shook his head casually. On his delicate and clean face, there was an unbelievable ferocity.

She quietly raised her eyes and glanced over, her voice was indifferent and steady, "Call him and tell him that Cen Yan has something to do with him."

"Cen Yan?"

After the man got up from the ground, he covered his face and looked directly at Cen Yan.

He had vaguely heard of this name.

It's just that I can't remember what kind of character it is anyway.

"Don't think about it, just go make the phone."

"Okay!" The man in the middle was cruel, but made up his mind.

They were no match for this man.

If he hesitated any longer, all three of them would be overthrown, and he would still have to know the contact information in the end.

Instead of that, it's better to make the call yourself.

So he took his cell phone and started dialing.

Connect soon.

The tone of the person over there was not gentle, "What's the matter?"

"There's something wrong with us here."


The man stared nervously at Cen Yan, his expression a bit ugly.

But he still spoke truthfully, "We were discovered by someone and we were killed. He said his name was Cen Yan and he wanted to see the people above."

"Cen Yan??" The person on the phone obviously had a different reaction to the name.

"Are you sure it's the name?"

"Yes! He is in front of us now."

"Hehe." The person on the other end of the phone stood beside him, and when he laughed, his voice was full of indifference.

He quickly made a decision, "Then give him the phone."

"What?" The three of them were stunned.

But he quickly reacted.

"Okay. I'll pass it to him."

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