The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2052 This kind of junior deserves me to ask questions?

Gu Longwu pondered for a while, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call and ask."

He is also direct.

Asking someone else is not reliable.

The old man in the hospital has woken up today. The doctor said that he should not be stressed, but he didn't say that he should not use his brain.

Then he directly dropped a phone call.


"Yeah, I heard you left your job and ran out again? Brat, when will you save me some time!"

"Don't worry, dad, don't get excited. It's just right. I'm looking for you to ask a question."

"Say it." Mr. Gu was obviously in a good mood, and he didn't say anything more after a few reprimands.

"Is there a Wang Ziqi in the Wang family?"

"How can I know about the junior!" Father Gu became angry immediately, "I can still give you a few pointers when you ask about Wang Dazhuang. Is this junior worthy of me?"

Gu Longwu took the phone away, "I'll just inquire. He had a conflict with a friend of mine. He's inside now."

"Hmm. Maybe your friend was wronged."


Father Gu directly came to the conclusion, "The younger generation of the Wang family has nothing good! One of them counts as one, and all of them are dudes! Dad thought you were going to play with them. Since you are helping friends, then you Go find him. Wang Ziqi should be Wang Dazhuang's cousin."

"He was injured and hospitalized."

"That's the Third Hospital. It's the property of the Wang family. If there is anything to do, their family will be sent there for any injuries."

After getting the answer, Gu Longwu immediately hung up the phone, "Okay, I understand, thank you Dad."

Listening to the "beep beep" sound on the phone, Mr. Gu's blood pressure was high again.

"This brat can't even say a nice word. Run away after asking?"

The butler next to him smiled, "It's all according to your original temperament, impatient, but also neat."

"Oh. I don't think he's lucky! But it's okay, he's still young... Let him get married this time and start a family. After he has a wife and children, he will naturally settle down."

"Yes. The young master will definitely."


"It is said that he is recuperating in the third hospital." Gu Longwu directly gave Cen Yan the location, "Let's go over and have a look together?"

"Yeah." Cen Yan also put down the phone.

have to say.

With Gu Longwu here, it is indeed much faster than if she came by herself.

They couldn't even find out the victim's name and where he lived, but when it came to Gu Longwu's place, it was all done with one phone call.

Just before starting the car, I still looked at him sideways, "Your car is still parked there, I can go there by myself."

"What's important about the car, I'll call someone to drive away immediately." Gu Longwu was nailed to the passenger seat anyway, as if no one wanted him to leave.

Cen Yan stared at him deeply, temporarily put aside Tang Yao's affairs, and drove to the third hospital.

She was actually playing with logic along the way.

Assuming all the conjectures are true and there is a grudge between Wang Ziqi and Tang Lin, then revenge on Jiang Ping is justified.

And Tang Lin is a woman who puts interests first, so the person she is going to marry now must have a higher status than Wang Ziqi.

The third young master of the Song family...

Why do you want to marry Tang Lin?

Tang Yao was designed by someone, is it possible that it has something to do with it.

"Ah Yan. I may have to leave Ningcheng for a while these two days." Gu Longwu finally spoke when he was approaching the hospital.

He was somewhat bored.

After speaking, he found that Cen Yan didn't give him any response at all, and his mood was even worse.

"I said I'm going abroad..."

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