The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2044 Logical Meticulousness

Did he really follow Tang Lin?
Was it the person sent by the victim?Afraid that Tang Lin is not strict here and will be tricked out?

Or someone else?

"Linlin, where are you going?"

Sitting in the passenger seat, Tang Lin just stared at Cen Yan's side face, and didn't realize that he was talking to her for a long time.

"Linlin?" Cen Yan urged again.

Then she withdrew her attention, "Just, let's go shopping. You can take me to the Guojin Commercial Building."


Cen Yan drove very slowly, and there was still faint music playing in the car.

The atmosphere is good.

But he doesn't speak.

Tang Lin couldn't bear it any longer, and took the initiative to chat with him, "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

"Should I have something else to tell you?"

Tang Lin was stunned, "There may be some things I missed. You need to ask more, don't you? How will you know if you don't ask clearly?"

Cen Yan's face was calm, as if he was talking about an irrelevant matter, "You said it just now, everything you saw and heard has already been said."

"Then if there is any other information..."

"At most there are victims?" Cen Yan raised his mouth, suddenly realizing.

But Tang Lin said "hmm" twice, and suddenly became excited, "Yes, yes, I know the victim's information. He is a frequent customer of that hotel. Jiang Ping worked there before. Everyone is familiar with it.”

"Then how could he be so unforgiving this time? Neither an apology nor compensation will be accepted. Jiang Ping will be sent to jail."

"He hates Jiang Ping..."


It was only after she had spoken the words that Tang Lin realized that she had slipped her tongue.

"So there is an old enmity between these two people? If there was an enmity in the first place, maybe the other party deliberately provoked Jiang Ping that day, deliberately did not resist, and deliberately wanted Jiang Ping to go to prison?"

Cen Yan speculated word by word, but in a clear way, "What's more, it just so happened that there were people present at the time. I don't think he expected you to be there, Linlin. Right, Linlin?"

Tang Lin has now discovered something is wrong.

She was in a hurry to deny it, so she couldn't care less about anything else.

But the moment she raised her eyes to lie, she met the man's dark and deserted eyes.

When the words came to his lips, he could only take them back abruptly, unable to say them at all.

"I, I'm going to get off the bus." Tang Lin made an excuse casually, "Just get off here, anyway, I'm almost there."

Cen Yan raised his eyebrows, "Isn't it Guojin?"

"It's not bad here either. I remembered that there was a store nearby. I ordered something there to pick it up."


The car stopped slowly.

After Tang Lin opened the car door, she ran out in a hurry, as if something was chasing her behind.

And Cen Yan could clearly see through the rearview mirror that the black car that was parked downstairs in Tang's house before had already chased after Tang Lin.

The level of the follower is not very good.

But things are already on the horizon.

The person who was injured had a grudge with Jiang Ping, so after the two had a conflict that day, he knew that he couldn't beat him and deliberately refused to fight back, so he refused to accept the settlement and insisted on suing Jiang Ping and going to jail.

Tang Lin was there at the time, but she didn't provide any information.

When describing the events of that day, I kept emphasizing that I was drunk.

Cen Yan raised his lips and smiled.

From an interrogation point of view, the more emphatic it is, the more ghostly it is.

I'm afraid this Miss Tang Lin is the reason for their conflict.

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