But since Jiang Xiu'er said it, Cen Yan naturally wouldn't refuse.

They said they wanted to get some daily necessities, but in fact there was nothing to take.

She came back in a hurry, and her things were still in Ning Cheng's house.

Then she changed her clothes, took the car keys and left the room with Jiang Xiu'er.

"Sister-in-law, if you go with me, what will Little Apple do at home?"

"It's okay, your aunt has retired and has been helping me take care of Little Apple at home recently. She knows what happened to my brother, so she understands."

Cen Yan nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

I wanted to call my cousin on the way, but I hesitated for a while and still didn't dial out.

It wasn't until they arrived in Ningcheng that they heard Jiang Xiu'er received a call.

"Where did you go?" Xiao Tang's tone on the other end of the phone was still a bit fierce, and it was not very pleasant to hear.

And Jiang Xiu'er just lowered her head, her voice was calm but firm, "I asked Ah Yan to take me to Ningcheng to have a look. Don't tell me, I won't listen, that's my own brother, no matter what, I can't let him go."

"But how can Ah Yan help! You don't know what big shots he has messed with!"

"I can't control that much, a dead horse has to be a living horse doctor! Don't you care about it and still allow me to ask someone for help?"

As Jiang Xiu'er talked, she was about to cry with grievance.

Then it took a long time to recover, "Anyway, I'm going to try anyway, Ah Yan will help if I can, and I won't blame her if I can't. I've tried my best."

Cen Yan smiled and raised her voice intentionally, "It's okay brother, I have done everything I need to do for the time being. If you are idle, you are also idle. I will go to my cousin's side to see the specific situation."

Xiao Tang was listening on the phone, and actually had some calculations in his heart.

"You guys have already arrived in Ningcheng?"

"Almost there. Just got off the highway."

"Heh, what do you say to me when everyone is in the place, pay attention to safety. After you settle down, tell me, I will go to find you after I finish my work in the store."

"Okay." Cen Yan responded instead of Jiang Xiu'er, with a faint smile on that delicate and delicate face, which always gives people the power to calm people's hearts.

Then she raised her head and looked at Jiang Xiu'er, "Cousin, please relax for the time being, and tell me the basic situation while there is still some time on this journey. Also... see if we can arrange a meeting?"

"Jiang Ping didn't actually do anything. He's a little ignorant, but he has a good heart. He used to be a DJ in a nightclub, and he did it for a while, but suddenly he got offended by a rich girl." Miss, the other party has been making things difficult for him. Later, when there was a conflict, he went in."

It seems that she doesn't understand the specific situation.

Cen Yan nodded, "I see. So what is the main reason for detaining him?"

"On the notice on the hair, it says malicious harm, which caused the victim to be injured."

"What level of injury?"

"Ah? Is there still such a theory?" Jiang Xiu'er shook her head, looking very embarrassed, "I'm sorry, Ah Yan, I don't know much about this. I'm a woman, and I've been in Anning County for a long time..."

Her face was full of frustration.

Cen Yan said a few words of comfort, and she knew what to do.

"Have you hired a lawyer? Let's go see the lawyer together."

"Okay, okay. My father hired a lawyer in Ningcheng to see if he can reconcile privately and be released on bail."

Jiang Xiu'er only gained some confidence when she mentioned this.

"Look, they sent me a message, and they just met successfully today!"

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