The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2020 I did something I'm sorry for you

As long as this prerequisite is confirmed, Gu Longwu becomes more and more daring.

He seemed to find a rationale for all his actions, or simply an opportunity for emboldenment.

Then he clasped Cen Yan in his arms without any scruples, allowing the two bodies to fit tightly together.

"Long Wu... um!"

Cen Yan still wanted to struggle, but the moment he spoke, all voices were silenced.

She widened her eyes and looked at the man who was so close in disbelief.

I can't even believe the real feeling of being covered on my lips.

He actually...kissed himself!
Gu Longwu doesn't know how to kiss.

To be exact, he hadn't had much contact with girls at all, and that gorgeous night was the only one.

Piansheng has no memory yet.

But for this kind of thing, men always have instincts, almost innate abilities.

Then she gathered all her thoughts and kissed him very hard.

And this behavior was like a bolt from the blue to Cen Yan!
Her mind was in chaos, and she couldn't react at all what happened.

Gu Longwu kissed her!

Long Wu actually kissed her!
This made Cen Yan suppress all his emotions.

It was as if something stabbed the deepest and softest part of her heart severely, and her chaotic thoughts made her unable to think at all.

I can only tell myself instinctively.

This is wrong!

Gu Longwu kissed himself, very wrong!
At the moment when the kiss was deep, Cen Yan resisted only by instinct in her heart, and when the man's hand had already landed on her waist...

This made Cen Yan extremely nervous!

She didn't dare to think about it any further.

He opened his mouth and bit the man's lips.

"Ah." Gu Longwu cried out in pain, and immediately let go of his mouth after eating the pain.

He looked at the person in front of him in disbelief, and saw the face and lips flushed by himself, and the ambiguous posture of the two of them now.

Isn't it dreaming?

Why does it hurt so much?
Gu Longwu raised his head in disbelief.

At that moment, all the thoughts flooded into my mind!
Just now... what did I do to Ah Yan? ?

"Ah Yan, I, I, I thought it was..."

He couldn't utter a complete sentence.

There were only extreme complex emotions on that handsome face.

Shyness, nervousness, and a hint of embarrassment and bewilderment.

Cen Yan, taking advantage of his panic, finally seized the opportunity to climb off the man, quickly escaped from his control, and stood far away.

Gu Longwu quickly sat up straight.

This action also made him realize that something was wrong with him.

The hug and kiss just now made him react? ? ?
"get out."

Cen Yan's icy voice came from the side. A little distance away, the voice seemed to come from another time and space, giving people a particularly unrealistic feeling.

Gu Longwu lifted his lips, trying to suppress the strange restlessness in his heart.

It took a while to calm down his thoughts, and looked up at Cen Yan seriously.

There was almost no expression on the other party's face, only the indifference he couldn't see through...

Gu Longwu clearly wanted to explain.

But all the explanations turned pale in the end, and he could only utter three words from his lips with difficulty.


His whole body was stiff.

I couldn't get over it for a long time, and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Cen Yan had already turned around and looked outside the door from a distance.

That attitude has long been particularly obvious.

There are countless chaotic thoughts in Gu Longwu's heart that he wants to clear up and explain, but at this moment, he can only part his lips, and a bitterness spreads from them.

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