The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2018 I Didn't Find You So Good at Caring for People Since

Cen Yan didn't look aside for a long time, all her attention was on Gu Longwu.

Wipe the sweat off his body for him, and unbutton the collar of his clothes to let him breathe.

Help him take off his shoes and let him lie down...

"Tsk tsk, I didn't realize you were so good at taking care of people before."

Xiao Tang beside him was so sour, he raised his head and drank the glass of water, "But I remind you, Gu Longwu is a big man after all, even if you two get to know each other better, the situation is different now, right? You have to have a long memory, and you can’t suffer.”

"Understood." Cen Yan did not dare to say, she had already eaten all the losses she had to suffer, and it would be too late for him to remind her now.

Xiao Tang just pretended that she had heard it, "It's not too early to leave. I told your sister-in-law that I went back before one o'clock. Now it's past two o'clock. I'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do. Take good care of him."

After explaining a few words, Xiao Tang hurried out the door.

Before going out by the door, I still reminded him, "If this kid is drunk, you can call me. There are two buildings away, and I will be there in 2 minutes."

The door shut with a bang.

No one cared about how the drunk man felt now.

And Cen Yan just wiped his face, hands and feet, and didn't make any further moves.

"Long Wu?"

There was a soft call from a distance, but the man lying on the sofa did not move.

Cen Yan also gave up.

She just pulled out a chair and sat down beside her, quietly looking at the familiar face under the light.

Apparently it's been ten years.

But it was the first time to look at him so unscrupulously like now.

Only now was she able to completely let go of her feelings, allowing the strong emotions in her eyes to be revealed.

When I looked at the man, I really seemed to want to throw myself into his arms.

If Gu Longwu woke up and saw this scene, he might be shocked.

And in fact.

Apart from looking at him, Cen Yan did nothing extra.

She didn't even dare to touch him again, even if those hands and that face were very tempting.

Time passed in silence.

After waiting for a long time, Cen Yan finally slept on his stomach next to him.

Gu Longwu is indeed a good drinker.

In the past ten years in Gers, he has encountered various situations. He has never been counseled when drinking, but he has never been drunk.

And now he's so drunk he's unconscious.

She was somewhat worried.


A night of frightening dreams.

By daybreak, Gu Longwu was already lying sideways on the sofa without moving, not even changing his posture.

But Cen Yan, who was in a light sleep, had already woken up when the first light came in from the window.

In the early morning, the light is not so sufficient, everything is foggy.

When she looked to the side, she realized that Gu Longwu finally frowned.

Then she leaned over to have a look, squatted beside the sofa and patted his face, "Long Wu?"

The man frowned again, then leaned to the side and moved sideways into the sofa, as if he heard a familiar person calling him, and gave a long "hmm".

Keren still didn't wake up.

Cen Yan stayed quietly by the side without urging.

In fact, she didn't sleep well, and she is still a little fuzzy now, and she hasn't figured out how to deal with the whole thing for a while.

Let's just say... they broke up badly last night.

It would be the best if Gu Longwu could return to Ningcheng to do what he should do and return to his original role.

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