The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 2012 You just want to draw a line with me!

"Marriage?" Gu Longwu laughed.

He looked at Cen Yan, and felt that his whole body was stiff and cold. His heart was originally hot, but now it seemed that someone had poured cold water into it, extinguishing all the fireworks, and even poked it hard a few times.

"Are you joking?"

"Forget about filial piety and career, I should still get married? Do you want to have another child by the way?"

Cen Yan smiled, and the expression on his face became cleaner, "That's better."

The man was completely silent.

The air was exceptionally cold.

Cen Yan subconsciously clenched her arms beside her. She was nervous now, her heart was beating chaotically, and her eyes were only dodging, she didn't dare to look into the other's eyes.

Until the man sneered coldly in the quiet room.

"You want me to marry that woman."

This was the most calm sentence that Gu Longwu uttered all night.

That face that always seemed irritable, was now exceptionally calm when speaking, and there was not even any wavering in the eyes looking at Cen Yan.

It's like... seeing through.

The light is slightly dim.

This made Cen Yan's eyes on Gu Longwu even more unclear.

She squeezed her fingers, took a few breaths, and finally nodded, "That's the life you should go."

With a "snap", as soon as this sentence came out, it seemed that something was ignited instantly.

Gu Longwu only felt that the thread representing "calmness" in his mind was broken!

"Do you think that's the life I should go, so I should go?"

"Why do you think this is the way arranged for me! Why do you think this is the best arrangement!"

Cen Yan was so yelled at that he couldn't speak.

His heart almost stopped beating.

In fact, there is no way to understand Gu Longwu's emotions now, because that familiar face is full of excitement, puzzlement, and exaggerated resentment!

Long Wu was very angry.

She knows it.

And now he looks so fragile, like an abandoned child, he can only vent his anger to maintain the superficial peace, so as to cover up his inner cowardice.

Cen Yan subconsciously stretched out his hand.

She is so distressed now.

I really want to hug him.

But when he thought of those things, he could only force himself to calm down... He forcibly retracted the half-stretched hand.

Then he parted his thin lips and smiled, and said something enough to make anyone explode.

"I just said what I think is right, whatever you think."

Gu Longwu, "!!!"

He is really out of breath now.

But there is no way to care about it, so I can only stare angrily at the person in front of me, and whisper in his ear with that hoarse voice, "You just want to draw a line between me and me!"

Cen Yan did not deny it.

But the man was clearly angry, "You want me to go back to be filial to my father and inherit the family business. I want to get married and have children, and live the life that a normal man should live. I want me not to get involved in your affairs! Very good..."

Having said that, he suddenly stopped.

Then the voice became quieter at that moment.

Just standing by the side like this, without the angry repetition.

"You're really nice, Yan."

Cen Yan's lips twitched, only to feel that the next moment, Gu Longwu's tears were about to come out.

But now she can't do anything...

Can't do anything.

Gu Longwu finally laughed miserably, "I'll just do it."

If that's what you want.

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