The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 201 Don't make a big fuss

The room suddenly fell silent.

Mo Junzhe's body was slightly stiff, looking at the innocent and pitiful little face in his arms, his solemn face finally eased a lot.

Her thin lips were pursed slightly, and she leaned over and asked in a low voice, "What did you dream about?"

"Child..." Bai Xiran hesitated for a moment, but still whispered, thinking about it now is still scary, "I dreamed of Bai Yinger's baby, and then our own baby. I dreamed that he said I don't want it. She said that I am not worthy to be his mother..."

The little girl's voice was soft and waxy, but she was obviously nervous after being frightened.

And Mo Junzhe didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but his thick palm kept stroking her back and forth.

The movement is very slow and gentle.

Bai Xiran squeezed her little hand, then widened her eyes helplessly, "Is she in a bad situation now? When I came back, I kept thinking, what if...what if our child becomes like that manage."

"Don't worry. You are not Bai Yinger, and I am not Xu Fei."

He always knew where her knot was, and a few words were enough to calm her chaotic heart.

Then he said, "Madam was frightened today, sleep well, huh?"

His voice was hoarse and comforting, and those dark eyes, like ink, always had the power to calm people in the silent night.

Bai Xiran grunted softly, his tone was vague, and his thoughts began to blur after a while.

But she actually wanted to ask a few more questions.

Ask why he smells of cigarettes besides alcohol.

Uncle Mo...doesn't smoke on weekdays.

But maybe it was too reassuring to stay in his arms, and fell asleep within a few minutes.

It wasn't until she fell asleep that Mo Junzhe finally changed his position, put the person on the pillow, and got up to dial the phone himself.


After a few seconds of silence over there, Li Ze'an seemed to change to a quiet place to speak, "There is no problem here with Rose. Once there is internal chaos in the Feng family, he will take advantage of the chaos to deal with the external forces of the Feng family. But... his conditions are not low. "

"As expected." Mo Junzhe lit a cigarette, and the mist ignited.

After thinking about it, he opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and went to the balcony. After blocking all the air, he stood in the cold wind and finished smoking that cigarette...


Bai Xiran slept until the sun was high, and Mo Junzhe was not there as usual.

I don't know what happened, but recently, he seems to be busier than usual.

As usual, the servant was waiting outside, knocking on the door and coming in after she finished washing.

"Ma'am, breakfast is ready. And the doctor that sir has invited for you has also arrived."

"Doctor?" Bai Xi dyed her messy strands of hair, and frowned slightly, "I'm not uncomfortable at all."

Sister-in-law Wang came downstairs with a smile, "Sir, you said that you were frightened yesterday, so let the doctor look at it to make you feel relieved."

Bai Xiran wanted to say that she didn't need it, but felt that this man had always made a fuss out of a molehill recently.

But in the living room, the well-dressed, dignified and gentle female doctor had been waiting for a long time, and when she saw her, she greeted her gently.

"Mrs. Mo, good morning."

It's ten o'clock, Bai Xiran blushed inexplicably when he heard this word, he couldn't say no to it.

He finally nodded, "Then I will trouble you."

The doctor quickly performed some routine examinations and inquiries on her, and her appearance was always gentle, without any ups and downs.

Bai Xiran thought for a while and explained softly, "It's him who has been making a fuss over a molehill. I am in good health and there is no problem."

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