Cen Yan jumped up almost reflexively, and his expression changed immediately.

"You read it wrong. Nothing!"

She left the sofa directly, standing more than one meter away from Gu Longwu.

The latter said "hmm" twice, a little inexplicably, "If there is no, then there is no, maybe the light is too dark and I misread it. But it is rare for us to have time to watch a movie together, today is also a good opportunity, you quickly Come sit down and watch together."

Gu Longwu warmly invited him.

But Cen Yan didn't dare to sit there.

He just stood by, his body slightly stiff.

Listening to those voices in the movie screen, the whole person seemed wrong.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? We shouldn't be so unfamiliar with each other. Or are you tired?"

"I'm not interested in this movie."

Cen Yan directly refused, and the reason was so straightforward that Gu Longwu hardly had any chance to refute.

He just picked up the clothes on the sofa, "I'll take a shower first, and you should go to bed early after reading."

"It's only before nine o'clock..." Gu Longwu looked down at his watch, a little confused.

It's really early.

He really felt that Ah Yan was acting weird recently.

But it doesn't matter, it's not a day or two until now.

Maybe it started with Cen Lijiang's accident...

Gu Longwu felt that now that he had followed him to Anning County, he had to do his best to find out everything.

I believe that as long as the matter of Cen Lijiang is completely resolved, Ah Yan will naturally return to his original appearance.

After a long time, Cen Yan didn't come out of the bathroom.

If it weren't for the occasional voices, Gu Longwu would have suspected that he had fainted.

Until the movie has played more than half.

Cen Yan changed into a set of home clothes and came out. It looked a little narrow and old T-shirt, but it fit him well.

"Maybe there are no clothes in your size here, why don't you go down and buy a set while it's still early?"

Gu Longwu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh, what's the matter. It's just the two of us in this room, I don't need to wear it."


Cen Yan directly denied it.

The tone was more urgent than ever, "Of course you have to wear clothes, otherwise, what if you catch a cold. I'll go buy them for you now."

Gu Longwu's face was full of confusion.

Pointing to the air conditioner above the head, "It's more than [-] degrees outside, can I still catch cold?"

But Cen Yan didn't give him time to explain at all, and hurriedly took his mobile phone and went out.

Gu Longwu was not in a hurry to chase after him, he was happily watching TV.

It's just that some strange pictures always flashed across my mind from time to time.

For example, the figure of a woman when I "lost my virginity" that day...

The voice that I still vaguely remember...


And the little girl in the photo just now.

Coupled with some large-scale images that have appeared in movies.

This made Gu Longwu's heart suddenly lifted, and he became restless for no reason.

He couldn't really tell why.

These messy clues and thoughts should not be associated together.

But it's out of control.

Obviously, the woman named Tang Yao, he never took it to heart from the beginning to the end, but now it suddenly appeared in his mind.

He even always felt that the woman that night had a face very similar to Yan's.


Gu Longwu muttered these two words.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the last scene in the movie.

He suddenly realized that he directly raised his hand and slapped himself.

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