It was only then that Gu Longwu remembered that he had driven over here.

Without further ado, he responded directly, "I'll just ask the secretary to drive away."

Take your cell phone to make a call before you finish talking.

But the moment he raised his hand, he saw the bunch of keys that were placed with the phone.

car key.

The air in the cabin froze instantly.

Cen Yan shook his head, turned his face directly to the window, and moved to the other side without any trace, avoiding physical contact with Gu Longwu.

The latter didn't notice this small detail, and just muttered twice and stuffed the car keys back into his pocket, "Then let it park there, isn't it just paying more parking fees..."

"Mr. Gu, you parked illegally at that place just now." Cen Yan didn't answer him, but the driver spoke instead.

This made Gu Longwu's face unstoppable for a while, he raised his head and looked at the rearview mirror fiercely, "What's the matter, I just violated the parking lot, won't it be over if you accept the punishment? Maybe you just opened your mouth and compared it?"

He returned the tone, and asked the man in the driver's seat to look at him through the rearview mirror, and did not continue the battle.

"My surname is Tang. Mr. Gu can call me Brother Tang if you don't mind. I should be a few years older than you."

"You still want to be my brother??"

Gu Longwu snorted softly with his nose turned towards the sky, but when he wanted to attack, he always subconsciously looked to the side.

At this time, Cen Yan had already closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Knowing that he was resting, Gu Longwu directly lowered his voice.

"Brother Tang is impossible, Xiao Tang is about the same."

The man smiled, "Okay, then I'll call you Long Wu, just like Ah Yan, not so famous."

As soon as Gu Longwu heard the name "A Yan", his temper immediately came up.

He was really curious about who this person was, why Ah Yan never mentioned it to him.

And looking at it this way, the other party doesn't seem to be someone who simply helps Ah Yan with things, does he seem to be familiar with him?

After waiting for a while, Gu Longwu couldn't hold back any longer. He secretly glanced at Cen Yan and found that he had already fallen asleep quietly leaning against the back of the chair.

He stretched his neck to the front seat and lowered his voice, "So what are we going to Anning County for?"

Xiao Tang glanced at him, but said nothing.

"Ah Yan fell asleep, you tell me I don't need to wake him up." Gu Longwu thought of a lame reason.

He didn't want to admit that he didn't dare to ask Cen Yan again.

So both hands were on the front seat, getting very close together, for fear of missing a word.

Xiao Tang held back his laughter, glanced sideways at him again, and said after a while, "Looking for someone."


"I don't know the details. Ah Yan said he would come to me and ask me to help him. You have to ask him for the rest of the information yourself."

Gu Longwu only felt that at this moment, there was a lump in his chest that was about to burst out.

But it's already in my throat, so I can't spit it out!
It's fine if you don't say a word.

And why did Ah Yan ask him for help instead of herself? !
Gu Longwu covered his heart, looked at Xiaotang's expressionless old man's face, and then at Cen Yan who had fallen asleep next to him, and felt really angry.

And at this moment, the car suddenly braked suddenly and bumped a bit...

Gu Longwu couldn't sit still in this posture, and he directly knocked forward.

Fortunately, his arms were strong enough, and he quickly grasped the back of the chair so that he could stabilize his body and not really fall to the front.

He subconsciously looked to the side, and found that although Cen Yan, who was wearing a seat belt, was awakened, he was not injured.

Gu Longwu suddenly became anxious, "How did you drive the car? There are no pits or obstacles in front of you, and no one is leaving the car, so you can still brake suddenly?"

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