The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1987 Are these words worthy of you?

He could only keep calm, "It was true that I wasn't good enough to you mother and son before, but your mother did absolutely nothing. It's just that the matter between me and her doesn't need to involve you. Now that she's been dead for so many years, I think Recognize you..."

"Now that things have happened, do you still want to continue pretending?"

Cen Yan's voice was exceptionally calm, and under his deliberate control, it would be a little low.

Except for Cen Lijiang who knew her real situation, no one else could find the difference at all.

After all, he has been used to being a man since he was a child, and all his behavior patterns are also done according to male standards.

He just mentioned in a low voice, "If he leaves for a period of time every year, Auntie may have to find out his real whereabouts. If he goes overseas, there should be someone more important to him there. If If it’s domestic... that’s more interesting.”

Wang Shuyi, who was already sitting in the back seat, was stunned for a long time without reacting.

He only looked at Cen Yan strangely, and then at Cen Lijiang, "Lijiang, what does Ah Yan mean by this? How can you have someone more important?"

Cen Lijiang narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he turned around to look at Wang Shuyi, he quickly put on a sincere face, "Ma'am, don't listen to this bastard sowing dissension. Every time I leave, I just want to find him. It's just that I haven't found it." He probably misunderstood the news. It doesn’t matter, now that he’s back, I’ll find an opportunity to open up and have a good talk with him later.”

Wang Shuyi was dubious, but looked at Cen Lijiang's smiling face up and down, "Okay, I believe you, Lijiang. As long as you don't hide women and illegitimate children outside, I don't care about the rest."

She said this with a smile.

There is also a precondition added.

But even so, Cen Lijiang's heart still thumped heavily.

Of course, Cen Lijiang knew exactly what kind of temperament the person next to him had.

But the more clear it is, the more frightened I am now.

With Wang Shuyi's own ability, she still can't find her whereabouts.

But since she can think of this level, it means that someone has mentioned him before.

Except for that father-in-law, there will be no one else!
"Since Auntie has an idea, let's look for it slowly. There are always clues. If there is no clue, I will check it for you." Cen Yan made a proper mention.

The car door was finally closed by Cen Lijiang.

He even shouted loudly on purpose, "Nizi! If you insist on sowing discord here, don't you want to see your father and I living a happy and happy life?!"

Cen Yan ignored him.

He just quietly looked at Cen Lijiang, who was directing and acting by himself, and then slowly lowered his eyes.

When muttering in a low voice, it seems to be thinking, but also seems to be a restrained accusation.

"You still want to be happy?"

"Cen Lijiang, on whose pain did you build your happiness for the past 20 years? Whose blood and tears did you build up everything you have now?"

"My mother took me away from home and lived on the streets. When we both had trouble surviving, you were kissing me with other women and I was living your life!"

"If it wasn't for her infertility, now you can even have a family full of children and grandchildren! After doing all this, you still have the face to say that I am sowing discord?"

"You still want to be happy?"

It was rare for Cen Yan to speak such a long sentence, and his tone was already a little uncontrollable.

His tone was extremely hasty.

The blue veins on his forehead were all exposed, and he complained loudly.

"These words, you Cen Lijiang, do you deserve them?!"

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