The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1976 Makes him uncomfortable

Gu Longwu didn't go back immediately.

In fact, for the first time ever, he went to the company early in the morning.

The person at the door raised his head, saw him at a glance, and immediately froze in place.

"Eldest, Eldest Young Master?"

Gu Longwu cast a glance at her, and walked straight towards the elevator entrance.

All the way up, you can see the people facing him looking at him, and the original smile on everyone's face will disappear the moment they see him.

In its place was panic and exaggerated nervousness.

"Young master!" This is the voice of most people shouting.

Immediately, he lowered his head and hurriedly ran outside.

and the rest

"President, general manager..." This is what the assistant assigned to him by the secretariat said.

Gu Longwu glanced at him sideways, and tugged at him before he had time to dry and style his hair, which made his hair messy.

The secretary, Lao Zhang, could only lower his head, bend his waist slightly, and looked respectful, "General manager, why did you come here suddenly?"

"What's wrong with me coming to work?"

"Yes..." Lao Zhang didn't dare to answer those words carelessly.

Everyone knows that this master hasn't come to work for a month.

But who dares to say this?

Gu Longwu pushed open the door of the office and walked in, "By the way, help me get a cell phone."


The secretary was stunned, "Do you want a mobile phone?"

"If you want to do it, do it, there are so many nonsense." Gu Longwu frowned, and his tone was very uncomfortable, which made Lao Zhang dare not talk anymore.

Anyway, this master can do whatever he wants, and he will do as he pleases.

It's just that people are here.

As usual, Lao Zhang also brought over the documents to be processed, "These are all to be signed, general manager, can you take a look?"

Gu Longwu sat behind the tall desk, but his face was filled with impatience.

He has the least interest in these things!

He only opened two pages, and seeing that it was filled with various terms and conditions, it made him feel uncomfortable reading it.

So he frowned directly and closed the folder casually.

Old Zhang was a little confused, and he approached and asked in a low voice, "General Manager, what's wrong with you?"

"I haven't been here for a while, who signed these?"

"Uh. If it's not a particularly important document, the vice president will handle it for you. Those that require your signature have been sent to the mansion, and your father signed them after reviewing them in person."

As soon as Gu Longwu heard his father's name, he could only withdraw the complaints from his lips.

Among other things, everyone is over 60, has a bad heart, and is still on crutches. He really can't say how to send these things back.

It's just that I was a little restless in my heart. After taking a deep breath, I was finally able to reopen the folder and read page by page.

Time passed quickly, and it was already noon when Gu Longwu finished processing the stack of documents.

"General manager, the urgent matters are almost dealt with. Shall we go to have something to eat and rest?"

Gu Longwu looked at the new mobile phone that was just ready to be placed on the table, and waved to him, "You go. Prepare a lunch for me and send it over."


Lao Zhang quickly left after responding.

In fact, he had not worked with Gu Longwu for a long time, but Mr. Gu had a lot of trust in him, so he arranged for him to come here.

Gu Longwu was holding a mobile phone, but he couldn't log in to WeChat, and he couldn't remember the number of contact numbers.

After thinking about it, he dialed one of the numbers he had memorized.

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