The air suddenly became quiet, and in the silent night, only the breathing of the two could be heard.

For a moment, Cen Yan felt that his heartbeat had almost stopped.

She was indescribably nervous!
But Gu Longwu next to him just turned over, changed his posture and half-supported his upper body, looked at him, "Why do you ask this?"

"Just ask, and you can answer."

The man laughed, and suddenly stretched out his hand to clasp his neck, "What kind of weird question did you ask, you know that I hate people lying to me the most."

After Gu Longwu finished speaking, he obviously felt that the person beside him froze for a few seconds.

He quickly took a closer look, "Are you nervous? Ah Yan, you didn't lie to me, so there's nothing to be nervous about."

Cen Yan didn't speak.

She only raised her head, looked at the familiar body close at hand, and listened to the warm and deep voice, not knowing how to explain it.

Gu Longwu clasped her with his strong arms, looked down at the face with delicate features in the night, and suddenly frowned, "Could it be that you really lied to me about something?"

"No!" Cen Yan almost denied it without thinking.

She carefully pushed Gu Longwu away, turned around to face the other side of the bed, and her voice sank, "Go to sleep."

"Why are you sleeping?" Gu Longwu was still puzzled.

"Didn't you just talk properly? Suddenly unhappy?"

But he didn't ask any more questions.

It's eleven o'clock in the evening.

According to Gu Longwu's schedule, it happened to be time for bed.

Then he lay back on his own pillow, obediently stood aside and looked over, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes for a while, "Then you really slept?"


Cen Yan's very soft voice came from beside him, and Gu Longwu didn't continue to entangle, and finally nodded.

"Okay, then sleep."


About a minute later, Cen Yan heard the man's breathing gradually calming down.

After a few more minutes, the sound of breathing turned into a slight snoring.

Cen Yan was a little dumbfounded.

After confirming that the man was asleep, he finally changed his position and turned sideways to look at him.

Gu Longwu always fell asleep quickly.

They took every opportunity to sleep during the intervals between their missions in Gers.

And Cen Yan always sleeps the latest at night.

For this, Gu Longwu and the others always taught him, "We have to seize every minute and every second in this kind of place, and you are still wasting time here. Not only should you fall asleep immediately, but also quickly enter deep sleep, so that you can sleep in the shortest time. Rejuvenate."

Cen Yan still finds it funny when he thinks of the expression on his hateful expression when he said this.

And this habit, Gu Longwu has kept to this day.

Others said that those who perform the task should not relax their vigilance anytime and anywhere.

But for them, as long as they trust their teammates enough, that's fine.

The room was very quiet at this moment.

Cen Yan could actually tell that the current Gu Longwu was sleeping very deeply.

The face that looked a little rough and sharp on weekdays was much gentler because of sleeping.

The black eyes are closed tightly, the bridge of the nose is high and the lips are moderately thick.

Maybe he is not a stunning and handsome person in the traditional sense, but every facial feature looks so charming.

Almost unable to bear it, she stretched out her hand slowly, and her fingertips moved towards that side very slowly, stroking his brows, eyes, nose bridge and lips from the air, until they almost landed on the tip of the man's nose.

And suddenly stopped.

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