The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1942 Protection of Privacy

He paused, "My suggestion, you should continue to inject estrogen, supplemented with other drugs, and you should be able to return to normal after a while."

Cen Yan's body stiffened slightly, and he glanced at the person in the corner out of the corner of his eye, and after making sure that the person could not hear a word, he opened his mouth slowly.

"I mean, if you stop the injection, can you stop at the current situation, or gradually return to the previous situation."

The doctor frowned instantly, but didn't react for a long time.

He pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and he spoke after a while, "You mean, you don't want to restore your female identity and...physical characteristics."

"Do not want to."

There was only seriousness on Cen Yanqing's face, "I think the current situation is acceptable, if possible, please give me another injection of another hormone."

"That won't work." The doctor directly refused, "That's absolutely not possible."

"You don't need to be nervous. I have been doing this kind of treatment for more than ten years, and my body has not had any major problems, and it has always been able to maintain a delicate balance point, which proves that it is applicable."

"That won't work." The doctor refused, "Mr. Cen, I must remind you that the drugs and hormone injections you have taken intermittently in the past ten years have changed many things in your body without knowing it. No You can only be lucky if something goes wrong, but that doesn't mean you can do it all over again."

"Healed up. Feminine features started to appear, Adam's apple disappeared, voice narrowed. Also your now irregular periods, all of this is indicative of 'puberty'."

Cen Yan smiled wryly, "Adolescence that is almost 30 years old?"

"That's the truth. Most of the consequences of male hormone injections in adult women are skin and hair growth, thick beard growth, voice thickening, and secondary sexual characteristics. But your situation is different. You are in puberty I did this in between, but reached a very delicate balance.”

"And your physique is actually very good. It can also support the absorption of nutrients. I think you should continue the treatment. It won't take more than half a year to return to normal female characteristics."

Cen Yan's face changed instantly.

"I do not want!"

She can't be a girl.

How would Gu Longwu think of her?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cen, since you are receiving treatment in the hospital, I must provide you with the most correct plan. Of course, you can also choose not to treat, but even so, the development has already begun, and you will still change slowly in the end. It's just the middle There may be other factors beyond our control."

What exactly, the doctor can't say.

Such cases are rare.

The level of their hospital is very high, but for cases like this, even if you search through the entire HowNet papers, there are very few for reference.

Cen Yan subconsciously clenched her fingers.

Her lower abdomen has been swelling and hurting.

In fact, she had never experienced such a thing as menstruation before this year.

I have only seen the discomfort described by the girl, but I have never experienced it in person.

The doctor lowered his eyes slightly, as if he knew what he was thinking, "Menstruation is a very obvious feature. This is an irreversible growth."

Cen Yan's face was extremely ugly.

She doesn't want to!

"No matter what you say, I can't continue the treatment. When Long Wu comes back, you know what to say."

The doctor stayed where he was, a little embarrassed, "I can protect the patient's privacy. But I can't lie."

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