The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1940 I want to drink soda

"Anyway, the inspection has been done, and I will take a few pictures later. Do you think we will go there together or..."

"just go!"

What else can I do.

Gu Longwu actually didn't dare to lose his temper with the people in the hospital.

He has been educated very well since he was a child. Doctors save lives, teachers teach and educate people. He respects such professions from the bottom of his heart.

So he could only stare at the opened curtain, and finally saw Cen Yan who had changed his clothes.

"You came out, how do you feel?"


Cen Yan sat in the wheelchair as before, hugging herself with her arms around her chest.

Gu Longwu hurried over to help him push, looked at his posture, and frowned again, "Is it cold? The clothes they gave are too thin, aren't they?"

Cen Yan, "..."

She didn't speak.

I can't admit that I hugged him deliberately because I didn't wear anything under my clothes, and I was afraid of being seen by him.

Gu Longwu suddenly became unhappy again, "How did you arrange it? The temperature of the air conditioner is set too low."

"Mr. Gu, this is the standard temperature. The regulations are like this."

"Then get another piece of clothes for Ah Yan. Where's the blanket from just now? Is it so inconsiderate?"

The director next to him was stunned, and quickly waved his hands to ask someone to do it, "Just follow your orders."

For such an unreasonable master, he does not know how many he will serve throughout the year.

Anyway, I'm used to it, as long as I don't interfere with medication and surgery at critical times, everything else is fine.

Fortunately, Gu Longwu didn't mean to find trouble.

No matter how upset he is, he won't really lose his temper.

Especially in front of Cen Yan, now he behaves like a child.

"I'll push you over, it seems to be in front, right?"

"Yes, the CT room is here."

Someone specially came to receive him, took the wheelchair, and blocked Gu Longwu from the outside.

"Patients can come in. Family members please wait outside."

"I know, I know. I won't go in."

After this journey, Gu Longwu has gotten used to it.

Fortunately, after checking, everything is fine.

The doctor told Cen Yan the result, Gu Longwu watched them communicate there, but couldn't hear a word.

"So, what you need is not hospitalization, but long-term care and long-term observation. In addition, you have to do the numerical detection yourself."


A lot of medicines were prescribed.

Seeing that they had finished speaking, Gu Longwu obediently came over, "Are you all right?"

"Yeah. You don't need to be hospitalized." Cen Yan felt much relieved.

On the side, the doctor still reminded in a low voice, "You may not have paid much attention to that aspect before, it's a matter of habit..."

As he spoke, he looked down at Cen Yan's legs.

The latter froze immediately.

He didn't realize it was wrong until now!
There were some red marks on the hospital gown she was wearing!
"Well... Long Wu, do you want to go out for a while?"

"Why do you want me to go out again!" Gu Longwu was completely annoyed, "Ah Yan, what are you doing?"

That 1.9-meter figure, with the murderous aura of carrying out missions all year round, everyone in the room froze.

The air temperature seems to have dropped quite a bit.

At that moment, almost everyone lowered their heads and dared not speak.

They were afraid that if they said a wrong word again, their heads would be screwed off on the spot.

"Say it! What are you going to do again!"

Everyone was trembling, the attending doctor thought about it, and was about to pluck up the courage to speak.

Then I heard Cen Yan in the wheelchair speak.

"I want a soda."


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