The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1933 Inheriting the Family

Gu Longwu got up with his hands on his buttocks.

His face was full of anger, but there was nothing he could do about Cen Yan.

Then he rushed directly to the bedside, hard if not soft.

Staring at him fiercely, "I don't care, if you are so disobedient, I will..."

"What about you?" Cen Yan frowned, his delicate little face was full of coldness, just looking at him so intently, there was not much warmth in his eyes at all.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth, "What do you want to do to me?"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Longwu's arrogant arrogance disappeared in an instant.

He didn't dare to get really angry, he just clamored to threaten Cen Yan, but in the end he didn't hide in the corner like a coward.

I can only look at him wronged.

"Are you really going? I haven't seen you so awkward before. Otherwise, if you feel that something makes you uncomfortable, I will arrange it again. If it doesn't work, let's arrange a private hospital? Contract it?"

Cen Yan's eyes moved slightly.

Seeing that he finally had a game, Gu Longwu immediately changed his face.

"Then, I'll arrange it. There will be no outsiders in custody, and there will be no media or Cen Lijiang's stalking. Then we will leave quietly after checking the matter. If there is no problem, you can go out to play, right? I just want to go out tomorrow. Go see the girl you just mentioned..."

Cen Yan's fingers snapped together.

"it is good."

"If you feel better tomorrow, we'll go out for a walk."

Before he could finish speaking, Gu Longwu came to his senses, surprised and delighted, "Agreed?"

He leaned directly against the bed, and held Cen Yan's hand tightly, "Oh boy, I was afraid of life. I said it was because of this, so I just make arrangements and it's over."

Gu Longwu couldn't help but laugh all of a sudden.

It took a long time to get over.

But I don't know the reason why Cen Yan agreed to go. I only know that I have achieved my goal, and now I am holding his hand happily, "Then are you hungry now? Do you want to eat something?"

Cen Yan nodded, "You go to dinner first."

"Okay, okay, no problem. Seriously, the cook at Mo Junzhe's family is really good. I'll find a way to poach him and put him in our house. When the time comes, let him cook for you whatever you want."

Hearing a certain word in these words, Cen Yan was stunned for a moment.

"What is home..."

"It's our home!"

Gu Longwu took it for granted.

Little did he know that these words already represented many other meanings to Cen Yan.

For a moment, the scenes she saw here really appeared in her mind.

The husband and wife are harmonious, and the children are well-behaved.

Like a real "home".

Then he parted his lips and smiled, " can we say that."

"Why not? You are the same as my brother. What's more, apart from Shen Qian, I am the only child at home. In the future, our brothers will live together. It will not be the most suitable thing."


Cen Yan chewed these words slowly, with some obscure emotions in his eyes.

After a long time, I finally said "um", "You always have to start a family, it's inconvenient."

"What kind of family do I become? I'm just a straight guy. No girl will fall in love with me, if they really fall in love with me, just don't."

Cen Yan smiled, "To carry on the family line, you also said that you are the only child. Uncle Gu has been in poor health, and this matter will be put on the agenda sooner or later."

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