"Boy, are you Cen Yan?" Suddenly someone walked towards him with a still in his hand.
Holding a photo for comparison, after looking him up and down for a while, "You are right, come with me."

Cen Yan looked at the rough-looking man in front of him, and then at his aggressive eyes, his heart pounded.

For the first time, he felt that the new world he imagined was completely different from reality.

If according to his plan, he has now reached the other side of the ocean, he will work there while studying to support himself.

In the future, I will try to get a green card, find a good job, and start over locally.

But now...

He wasn't sure if this place called Gers would allow him to live.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Qi. I come from the same place as you. I came here five years earlier than you. I picked up some of the people introduced over there. I will arrange for you to work later. You just need to Just keep up."

As if evaluating Cen Yan's value, Zhang Qi looked him up and down for a while after speaking.

Cen Yan looked around, and it was indeed an unfamiliar place.

He doubted that his passport would work here at all.

And those people on the boat have all left, and only the boss of the boat and a dozen sailors are left, waiting for the rest time to have fun.

He knew what this group of people were doing to relax.

Before coming here, I was told not to go out of the cabin door casually, because I was afraid of accidents.

What about people like this... I like the little boy with thin skin and tender flesh the most.

After thinking about it, Cen Yan still decided to follow Zhang Qi, but when he passed the muddy ground, he touched a handful of ash from the ground and smeared it on his face.

His heart was pounding, faster than ever.

When I got into a dirty car, I barely pressed it down.

The dust flying outside the car window, the dilapidated houses around...

Cen Yan felt that he had completely boarded a thief's boat.

After waiting for a long time, the car wobbled on the road, and finally arrived at the destination just before he vomited.

Zhang Qi jumped straight down, "Here we are, come with me."

Cen Yan followed subconsciously.

Only to find that the other party was still carrying his suitcase.

Seems like a thoughtful, maybe... nice guy?
He is skeptical.

But he still followed Zhang Qi into what looked like a Chinese restaurant.

Zhang Qi was negotiating with the other party.

In the end, the person directly came over and introduced a few words, "This is Boss Wang, who is looking at the restaurant here. He just needs manpower, so you can work with him for the time being. The monthly salary is [-], which is equivalent to [-] at our price... "

"Eight hundred?" Cen Yan was stunned, "This is too little."

He has never seen a restaurant where he works, only 800 yuan.

Zhang Qi was very unhappy with his reaction, so he rolled his eyes, "This is Geers. And I haven't finished yet, 2000 is your salary, but the agency fee will be deducted in the first month, and there will be more after that." The commission of [-] yuan per month will be deducted..."

Cen Yan, "Isn't that a white job?"

"Is it enough to provide you with food and accommodation?" Zhang Qi lost his patience, and directly threw the person here, and said hello to the boss, "Remember to pay the salary directly to my account."

"No problem." The boss agreed with a smile. Seeing Cen Yan's unconvinced look, it was rare for him to persuade him warmly, "It's always like this when I first came here, just get used to it."

Cen Yan would not respond.

He was about to run straight away.

But when I wanted to leave, I realized that my suitcase was gone!

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