The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 190 Mr. Mo's Weakness

She was about to raise her hand when there was a sudden commotion from the other side of the corridor.

"You want to kill me! I won't let you do it!"

A patient wearing a hospital gown rushed out suddenly, dragging a bottle in his hand, and ran towards her!
Bai Xiran was startled, and almost subconsciously leaned against the wall.

"Patient's stress response... quick, grab him!"

"Call security!"

The other patients around subconsciously hid to the side, and Bai Xiran was no exception.

But for some reason, someone fled in a panic and ran into her directly.

One foot was right where she passed!

"What are you doing?" Bai Xiran quickly realized, and after carefully standing still, he raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's wrist! "You want to trip me on purpose?"

There was a commotion everywhere, and doctors and nurses couldn't pay attention to this side.

Bai Xiran looked at the immature face in front of him, frowned, and asked unceremoniously, "Someone sent you here? Who? The Feng family..."

The child whose wrist was clasped by her was only in his teens, and his face was already pale from fright, trembling and speechless.

And not far behind, Mo Junzhe was standing at the corner, his black eyes never leaving this direction, and his face was extremely solemn.

"Look at this, little sister-in-law is not as fragile as you think." Li Ze'an couldn't help but "tsk tsk", and naturally saw Bai Xiran's fierce appearance, and was about to scare the child to tears.

Mo Junzhe's face remained unchanged, and he didn't look away until the other party's parents came to take away the child who was obviously misunderstood.

"I didn't realize that the little sister-in-law is very agile, not to mention that she has sent someone to protect her all the time, fifth brother, don't worry too much..."

It was not until he left the hospital and sat in the car that Li Ze'an finally spoke.

"This matter has to be done at the ready. Although my sister-in-law's pregnancy is an accident, it is also an opportunity. Feng Hanhai's civil turmoil is serious, and it is not that simple for Feng Hanhai to seize power. It is safest to plan the plan when my sister-in-law is giving birth..."

He talked about these plans with clarity.

Without him, they have been working hard for the same goal all these years.

But in the end, Li Ze'an still didn't go any further, just looked at the cold face of the man beside him, and shut his mouth tactfully.

Mo Junzhe didn't know what he meant.

Now is the most appropriate time for things to happen. They have planned for a long time and there must be a result. As "Mrs. Mo", being involved in it is part of the plan.

But it never occurred to her that she was pregnant.

And... his little wife was innocent and innocent, never thinking that she would be used.

The atmosphere in the car became more and more dignified.

Li Ze'an answered the phone, "Rose has arrived."

He paused, and explained in a low voice, "You have to take the risk you have to take. You can't be soft-hearted for her at this time, this child..."

If there is a mistake...

Li Ze'an didn't finish, he believed that Mo Junzhe understood.

Mo Junzhe has always been the most ruthless and decisive in his actions in public, otherwise he wouldn't be known as "Mr. Mo" today.

But for the first time, Li Ze'an found that he was becoming soft-hearted and hesitant, like a lonely hero who went deep into the enemy's rear and suddenly had a weakness.

Mo Junzhe knew what he meant, but he always thought of his little wife's face unconsciously.

Although she is soft-hearted but extremely stubborn, what will happen if that time comes?

And until the car stopped outside the "Imperial Court", when the man got out of the car, his figure was straight and indifferent, and his aura was exactly the same as before.

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