Day two.

The stock of the Mohs Group has rebounded a little due to the heavy buying at the close of the previous day.

Although there is no good news, everyone has seen the direction of the wind.

No matter what the reason is for these people to buy the shares of the Mohs Group, they still have to accept it, so they must maintain stability and ensure that the Mohs Group will not go bankrupt.

Or they'll take the opportunity to sell.

If there is an opportunity to sell, other retail investors will follow, which is also an opportunity to make money.

It's just that the stock price has risen a lot in this wave, and on that day, the earnings will not be as good as those people.

And those who are still waiting and watching may be the receiver.



It's still where the previous meeting was.

A group of people gathered together, staring at the disk with concentration.

"The number of transactions today is much higher than yesterday."

"Yes. There are also many people entering the venue."

"Everyone is following suit."

"Continue to increase the price first."

Cen Lijiang didn't start out in finance, but anyone who does business can't understand these things.

Words such as shorting and pumping up have appeared many times in the comment area.

But the people at the top will always be at the top, and the group of people who want to go astray will naturally feel that the god of luck will always favor them, and they must face up to difficulties even if they take risks.

Cen Lijiang smiled, "It's just a group of followers. Observe for another two days. It just so happens that the Mo Group has also freed up its hands for a while, and can slowly solve some of the backlog projects in hand."

"The funds they transferred from overseas are almost in place."

"Yes. I was stuck for a while, but it has been unblocked, and the account should arrive today and tomorrow."

"That is to say, can Mo Junzhe slow down?"

Cen Lijiang just smiled and said nothing.

In fact, everything was in his expectation.

Either way, the truth is always in the hands of a few.


Just two days.

The stock price of the Mohs Group has risen again, and just in time, overseas funds have arrived, and several projects in hand are on track.

The propaganda department issued several drafts, and the content was also very simple.

It's nothing more than bragging about the stability and simplicity of Mo's operation.

Look to the future again.

But it is such a marketing, but it is a big good news.

Experts watch the doorway, but laymen can only watch the excitement.

Having never been in touch with the inside and not knowing the inside story, no one knows what kind of conspiracy is hidden behind these good news.

Three days later.

When the Mohs Group's stock price rose, everyone in the company was celebrating.

This is a group of people who still stick to the Mo Group even after such a big event happened.

They can be said to have great affection for the company.

"The two projects we are working on have all stabilized today!"

"That's right, wait for the market to open later, and everything will return to normal."

"I don't know the situation of the president and his wife. If the two can would be great."

After work, a group of people who were already sitting at their workstations took out their mobile phones and stared quietly at the eve of the opening.

Nine thirty.

At the moment when the market opened, the overall stock market improved the next second.

Mo Group's stock price suddenly plummeted!
"There's a massive sell-off of company stock."

"Hundreds of thousands of hands..."

"Something's wrong. It's been rising recently, why are they suddenly selling..."

Anyone who understands the market a little bit knows that something is going to go wrong at this moment.

Less than 10 minutes before and after, it has fallen by three points.

Selling within one minute of the opening will undoubtedly create panic...

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