The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1872 I will tell you everything I know

A flash of surprise flashed across Zeng Tong's face, but he quickly covered it up, "You should have saved my mobile number, it's not this."

"Well. After all, it's a virtual number, and it was dialed out after jumping to several servers. It's normal if you think no one can find it."

She smiled, "They told me it was a virtual account, and even when it passed through an overseas server, I still didn't believe it. I thought it would be worth Cen Lijiang's trouble to notify the paparazzi of such a trivial matter?"

"I can see that after seeing you, I will understand."

Bai Xiran put away the smile on his face and looked directly over.

"I don't have any other intentions here, just to inform you of two things. And to get an important message."

Zeng Tong's expression changed, and he already had a premonition in his heart.

"You said."

"First, starting from tomorrow, you don't have to go to work in Mo's Group, you have been fired."

"Mrs. Mo, I've done a good job at work. I've done a lot of hard work for the company for so many years. It's not fair for you to fire me with just one sentence!"

"Fair? Why are you talking about fairness?" She sneered, her face full of disdain.

Zeng Tong stood up straight away, "The last time we met, I thought Mrs. Mo was at least reasonable. But I never wanted to be exactly like other women. You can fire me, but have you ever thought about the impact on other people! I Years of hard work..."

"I'm going to fire someone, why do I need to consider the impact?"

She pushed back the hair hanging from her ear, "That's something my husband needs to think about."

Bai Xiran gave a conclusion with a straight smile, "Second, leave Ningcheng. This is my advice to you, otherwise once the matter reaches the ears of my family, you should understand your fate."

Zeng Tongben still wanted to protest a few words.

But when Bai Xiran opened his mouth, he suddenly thought of the resolute Mo Junzhe.

Thinking of the most frightening rumors of the company over the years.

Our CEO has a bad temper, but it's always reasonable, as long as you don't make mistakes in your work, the great anger will not be spilled on you.

Except for one possibility, of course.


"You've offended Ma'am."

Zeng Tong also sighed at the time, he didn't expect the CEO to be a strict wife.

Later, the colleague who told him about this incident smiled, "Why don't you say that our wife is amazing? If you say that in the past, what everyone was most afraid of was not offending the wife, but offending the prince."

"Our prince is a fairy-like figure. He is not afraid of the sky and the earth. Even if the president himself goes out, he may not be able to get it done. Moreover, the prince is young, so he might be provoked just by sneaking a glance at him."

Thinking back now, Zeng Tong suddenly understood the reason why his colleagues said these words at that time.

He lowered his head and hid his eyes behind his glasses, restraining all his emotions.

"Whoever tells you what you did, and tells you everything you know, I won't make it difficult for you." Bai Xi dyed the ultimatum, and almost didn't say anything to the other party.


Zeng Tong wanted to resist, but that was impossible.

After 2 minutes, before he could speak, the bodyguards were already looking down at the time.

"Mr. Zeng, we don't have that much energy to fight with you. Madam knows you, so we treat each other with courtesy until now."

This already implies a warning.

Zeng is not stupid.

He is a senior programmer of the Mo Group, with an annual salary of nearly one million, regardless of income, ability, or IQ, he is the top choice.

Then he gritted his teeth, "If I say so, you can guarantee that I will leave Ningcheng safely."

Bai Xiran raised her eyebrows slightly, "It's ten o'clock in the evening. If you say it, the other party probably hasn't reacted yet, so she will leave immediately with Xiaoxiao, and naturally there will be time."

"Okay! I'll tell you everything I know."

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