The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 183 Bai Xiran, How Dare You Dare

"Is there? Who will believe it?"

Bai Xiran sneered, and within a short while of talking, he heard the sound of the man closing the door.

The sourness in her heart was even worse, she bit her lips tightly, as if she had made up her mind, she turned around abruptly.

"Where are you going, ma'am?"

It doesn't matter where you go, I don't want to stay here anyway!

Bai Xi felt angry, and the grievances that had piled up since last night could no longer be controlled at this moment, so she wiped away her tears without saying a word, and walked out of the yard directly.

"Madam, Madam, don't be willful..."

Sister-in-law Wang was in a hurry, and quickly chased after her, "You are still pregnant, so you can't run away from home."

"I...I didn't run away from home!" Bai Xiran stomped her feet, looked up and saw the man standing on the balcony on the second floor looking at her.

So condescending, so expensive, yet so indifferent!
He bit his lips tightly, "I'm not going to run away from home, I'm going to move out! That's right... we're separated!"


Two minutes later, exaggerated quarrels came from the Mo residence.

All the servants stood on both sides of the courtyard, looking at the wife who was usually doted on, but now being dragged by the hands of the husband, he just grabbed her upstairs in such a domineering and forceful manner.

"Ah! What are you doing... bastard! I'm fighting with you... Ah! Help!"

There seemed to be a sound of "torture and torture" in the house, and the servants stood downstairs in great concern, but they dared not take a step forward because there was no order.

The sound of ping-pong-pong inside was constant, and no one knew that in the master bedroom, the wife who was so arrogant just now was pinned on the bed by the man, making extremely embarrassing movements.

Bai Xiran's face was as red as blood, looking at the man who bullied her, she wished she could bite down!

"Why, haven't you had enough?"

Compared to her embarrassment, the man was still in a neat suit, holding a light feather and red wine in his hand, looking at the bewildered little wife, a wicked look appeared on his lips.

Bai Xiran shrank back instantly!
She was dependent on something.

Relying on her pregnancy, and relying on Uncle Mo not daring to do anything to her...

But now, who would have expected that a big man like him would use tickling in such a nasty way, and even more BT!

He quickly pulled the quilt to wrap himself, his eyes were red, "Liar, Mo Junzhe, you are a big liar."

Mo Junzhe's face was slightly condensed, "I've already told you the whole story, how can I lie to you?"

"You lied to me to have a baby!"

He was so upright and confident that he offended Mrs. Bai Xiran.

Then he almost yelled out, with red eyes and sore nose, feeling extremely wronged, "I'm going to give birth to you before I graduate from university, and I want to have a cute baby for us. But don't have any Don't want him! Liar liar, you are a big don't want me to have him at all!"

The little wife is making trouble for no reason.

Mo Junzhe felt this way, his thick eyebrows were furrowed tightly for a while, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence, "I didn't forbid you to have a baby."

"It's no different from not being allowed! Anyway... Anyway, I don't want it anymore, I won't have a baby!" Bai Xiran seemed to have figured it out in a flash.

Her eyes were clear, and those beautiful apricot eyes were particularly clear, "That's right, if you want to give birth to someone else's son, ask other women to give birth to you!"

Mo Junzhe, "..."

The air was silent for a full 2 ​​minutes, only the sound of two people breathing.

Until the next moment, there was an explosive roar, "Bai Xiran, how dare you!"

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