"What's this?" Bai Xiran burst into tears after getting into the car that was extremely uncomfortable to sit in.

She looked at Lu Tong in the driver's seat with tears in her eyes, and the tears fell down, suddenly uncontrollable.

"Don't cry... Be careful that you will break your body from crying." Lu Tong quickly drove the car to his small apartment and stopped, and took her upstairs, "Be good and don't cry, the baby will be sad if you cry again .”


Lu Tong suddenly mentioned this word, and Bai Xiran, who had finally recovered, cried even more exaggeratedly.

The little face that had been covered with makeup looked miserable, and he just hugged Lu Tong, complaining pitifully, "He is a bastard, how can he use me and the baby."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Lu Tong didn't hear their arguing, but she knew Bai Xiran well, and when she saw her being taken away by Xiong Dong, she knew something was wrong, so she waited in the parking lot in advance and brought him over.

At this moment, he could only hug her and listen to her abuse as if venting.

"I feel bad, Tongtong... Woohoo, Uncle Mo is simply inhuman, he is a cold-blooded animal! No one in this world would be cruel enough to give his child to someone else. What age is it..."

"My heart hurts so much, it's throbbing. You said that when the baby is born and he wants to snatch it away, what should I do? I'm sure I won't be able to snatch him away..."

The more Bai Xiran thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. In the end, his mind was in a mess and he couldn't think at all.

It's just that her eyes were red, swollen and stinging, and she couldn't cry anymore, so she simply lay down on the bed and whimpered.

Why didn't Lu Tong know what was going on in her heart, and sat by the bed with her for a long time, until Bai Xiran seemed calmer, and then slowly said, "Ranran...you feel uncomfortable now, it's because he takes advantage of the baby , or...is it uncomfortable for him to deceive you like this?"

A simple sentence suddenly pierced the bottom of Bai Xiran's heart!

"Of course it's because of Bao..." She opened her red eyes wide, and suddenly stopped in the middle of her sentence.

Is it because of the baby?

Not all!

Bai Xiran's whole body was stiff, and he suddenly realized that the most uncomfortable and angry thing for him was not the baby, but fear and fear.

Afraid to know that he married himself to take advantage of the fact!

"You like him, Ranran. If you like him, don't cry yet. How about listening to his explanation when someone comes?"

She doesn't want to listen!

Bai Xiran wiped away her tears vigorously, and roared angrily, "He has admitted that there is nothing to explain, let him marry Feng Yinyin and have a child named Feng, I will take the baby away from him! "

"Who do you want to stay away from?"

"Of course it's that old bastard Mo Junzhe..." Bai Xiran roared with her eyes closed.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that Lu Tong who had been staying by her side had been taken away like a chicken, and that this matter was under Gu Xiling's hands struggling to survive.

And it was that big bastard who stood in front of her now.

"Mo Junzhe, you still dare to come to me..."

The man stared at her pear-blossoming rainy face, maybe he was out of breath after crying for a long time, he looked extremely miserable, his eyes were so swollen that he couldn't see the light.

Mo Junzhe's face suddenly became gloomy, "I asked Xiong Dong to take you home, who allowed you to come here?"

He murdered her?
Bai Xiran's face was full of disbelief, and he lifted the quilt and stood up from the bed.

"The legs are on my body, I can go wherever I want, do you want me to agree?"

She was full of swear words and couldn't hold back, "You still yell at me? Mo Junzhe, your uncle, what are you doing!"

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