While everyone was waiting.

Xiao Zhang has already grabbed Lao Zhang and walked into the house.

The father and son seemed to be discussing again.

After waiting for more than ten minutes without any movement, Mo Junzhe asked, "Is the land deed in Lao Zhang's hands?"

"Back to the president, yes. The person who contacted the company before was always Xiao Zhang, and the asking price was very high and arrogant. But in the end, they were the only ones left, and the company agreed to add [-]% more. But when it came time to sign the contract, here But he couldn't come up with the land deed... We didn't know until then that his father's name was on the land deed."

Therefore, apart from Lao Zhang himself, it is useless for anyone else to promise to sign.

Mo Junzhe frowned, recalling the information just now, and began to think about countermeasures.

"Xiong Dong, what happened to the thing I asked you to call just now?"

The latter immediately approached, and explained in a low voice in his ear, "I asked the person above. It would be difficult to renovate other projects if this location is not for real estate development, but if it is something of value..."

"It's just that in that way, I don't have much to lose."

Mo Junzhe gave a "hmm" and looked at a large piece of wasteland around him.

"The loss in the early stage is nothing, just stop the loss in the later stage. The important thing is to use this to earn back the reputation of the Mo Group."

A project worth a few hundred million sounds impressive, but to them, it is a drop in the bucket.



Everyone waited for another ten minutes.

The room was no longer quiet, but exaggerated arguments could be heard.

"Old man, don't be shameless! You have never been anywhere except guarding this land when you are so old. When I was young, my mother died of illness and had no money for medical treatment. Later, I couldn't marry a wife in my late thirties. It's not all because of A poor word! Now there is an opportunity to change your destiny here, but you don't cherish it!"

"If you refuse to sign the contract to sell the land, my life will not go on anyway, and I will die in front of you!"

Manager Wang became anxious when he heard that.

rushed in quickly.

He was really afraid of making a big fuss.

I saw Xiao Zhang holding a fruit knife in his hand, just pressing it against his neck, looking like he was going all out.

"Come on, you don't care about your life, or the life of your own son!"

Lao Zhang looked over, but there was only peace in his cloudy eyes.

Then he shook his head and walked tremblingly towards the head of the bed.

Everyone watched him squatting on the ground and rummaging.

There was a loose brick in the ground next to the old battered bed.

Perhaps it was because moss had grown on it, and it seemed that no one had touched it for many years. Xiao Zhang never thought that the land deed would be hidden here.

And Lao Zhang pulled out a box from inside.

"My son, it's not that I don't want to sell it. It's just that... I can't sell it."

"What do you mean?"

"Your name is on the title deed, why can't it be sold!"

Manager Wang was also in a hurry, so he ran over directly, "That's right, Lao Zhang, take good care of your sons and grandchildren, don't fix things like this."

He shook his head.

He just took out the title deed from the box with trembling hands.

The look in his eyes was extremely helpless and regretful.

Just look at it like this, "See for yourself."

Everyone got together.

Xiong Dong is no exception.

He also took out his cell phone and started recording.

It was a yellowed title deed.

At a glance, I can see the date at the end, it's been a long, long time...

And the content is also very simple.

This land had been sold to someone else many, many years ago.

His name Zhang Xianzong is just a renter.

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