The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1665 Why are you confident

Mo Junzhe was at a loss for no reason.

He didn't want to admit that from the moment he worked hard, this result was already doomed.

Now he can still argue that he did all this just because he wanted to see her, but at that moment, he was anxious and worried from the bottom of his heart, for fear that she would be really hard-hearted when she left in anger.

But at this moment, it seems that the distance between the two people has become farther.

"I should have told you, I hate cheating very much." Bai Xiran was sharp, almost accusing.

A flash of panic flashed across Mo Junzhe's eyes, "Sorry ma'am, I thought..."

"What do you think, what do you think!" Bai Xiran's voice suddenly rose a lot, and she lost her composure.

When he looked intently, he could see the layers of redness in his almond eyes.

"Why now, you still use what you think to make decisions! Mo Junzhe, do you always want to manipulate me, always feel that I am still the little girl who didn't understand anything six years ago, and can always be at your mercy ?!"

Mo Junzhe's eyebrows were deep, and his voice was extremely gloomy, but he looked at her and retorted seriously, "It's not."

"I do not deny manipulation and deceit, but I will not accept accusations that do not exist."


"Are you still confident?" Bai Xiran clenched her lips and looked at him openly, "You are a person who did something wrong, why should you be confident?!"

The two were arguing too loudly.

The little powder dumpling that I had been having fun with was also stiff.

At a young age, I can't distinguish the situation, but I can judge the emotions of adults based on intuition.

He raised his head to look at Mo Junzhe, and found that his father's face was always sullen, as if he was looking fierce.

Then turn around and look at Bai Xiran.

The woman who always looked at her tenderly, now also had a stern face, her eyes were red, as if she had been greatly wronged.

Xiaofentuanzi suddenly cried out with a "wow".

She was a little scared.

He only stretched out his hand towards Bai Xiran, wanting her to hug him.

The extremely dull mood in the ward was broken by this loud cry.

Without further ado, Bai Xiran hugged Mo Weitian, put her in her arms and comforted her carefully, "Don't cry, don't cry, Mom isn't fierce. Be good..."

The little wife's voice is whispering, and there is always the power to calm people's hearts in the quiet air.

After Mo Weitian in her arms had been arguing for a while, her little hands and head were arching around her body.

Bai Xiran lifted the clothes to feed her.

Mo Junzhe just sat on the edge of the bed and watched this scene.

His eyes were affectionate, and the atmosphere was harmonious, and for a while, he looked like he had been quiet for a while.

The man watched this scene quietly, and finally opened his thin lips lightly after a long while, and explained in a deep voice, "I never thought of picking you up."

His voice was warm and deep, as if overflowing from the depths of his throat, and there was still a layer of hoarseness on the outside.

"Perhaps in my mind, my wife is the little girl when I first met six years ago. She was ignorant but cute, innocent but independent."

"Or in the past few years, my wife has changed a lot. But at least in my heart, you will always be the same as before." He paused, looked at the unresponsive Bai Xiran, and continued to organize his words.

In fact, I knew she had listened.

"I have met many women in my life, beautiful or not, beautiful and vicious, all kinds of ages, appearances and temperaments, but you are the only one from the beginning to the end. I am not praying to my wife to show your favor, but just I want to tell my wife... no matter how angry you are now, I won't let you go."

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