The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1654 Aren't you dying?

After getting on the elevator, Xiong Dong's face was still full of guilt.

Looking for an opportunity, he looked back at Mo Xiaobao, "Young master, actually what I said before..."

Halfway through the conversation, he realized that the little guy wasn't looking at him at all.

All Mo Xiaobao's attention was focused on the little girl in his arms, seeing the pitiful appearance of Xiaofentuanzi, his whole heart tightened.

"Be good, bear with me a little longer. I'll make milk powder when I see my father. I won't be hungry."

"Brother promise."

He moved closer and pressed a kiss on Mo Weitian's face, a very serious and formal promise.

Xiong Dong tactfully took back what he hadn't finished speaking.

The elevator is a little slow.

He just randomly searched for topics, "Well, young master. The young lady is still so young, can she understand what your book says?"

It seems that all the way here, they are talking non-stop with people.

Mo Xiaobao gave a "huh" and looked up at him with eyes like an idiot, "Of course I understand, aren't you married? How can a father not understand at all. Children In fact, you can understand the speech of adults at a very young age!"

What he said was so straightforward that Xiong Dong suddenly didn't know how to answer the words.

In fact, he is already very nervous now.

His mind was full of how to save his life after the incident was exposed.

He coughed twice, "Young master, can I ask you a question?"


"How have I treated you these years? Just these five years from your birth to now."

The little guy didn't have the strength to talk to him, so he said, "It's okay. No merits, no faults."

After the next few words came out, Xiong Dong swallowed the words abruptly.

He was a little confused.

"How can five years be no merit and no fault? There is hard work without credit."

"It's fine if you say you have it, but let's say it first, I'm not the kind who will reward you for hard work. Even if Dad is really seriously ill, I won't give you a promotion."

Xiong Dong almost lost his mind.

"What promotion or not... I didn't mean that!"

"Then what do you want?"

Xiong Dong, "???"

"Ordinary people suddenly mention these things for the sake of benefit. Dad is just sick, so it's okay, just tell him." Xiaotuanzi's head was extremely big.

His hands are sore from holding his sister now, but he doesn't want Xiong Dong to help him hug him, so he urgently needs to find a place to sit down.

Fortunately, the elevator finally stopped with a beep.

The two hurried out.

"Where is the ward?"

"Front ahead, just turn left." Xiong Dong explained quickly, his footsteps faster than ever.

When he reached the door, he raised his hand and knocked on the door, then probed his head, "President, the young master and young miss are here."


The familiar voice of my father came from inside.

Mo Xiaobao was still in a daze, but he still walked in with his sister in his arms.

Afterwards, he saw Mo Junzhe sitting on the bed and telling the news.

One hand was bandaged and unable to move.

There is still a computer on his body, and he is working.

His big eyes were full of puzzlement.

"what happened?"

Only then did the little guy put his sister down, and comforted her obediently a few times.

"Hey, sweetie, we met dad, you stay with dad for a while, brother goes to make milk powder."

He prepared the milk powder in a familiar way, and after handing it to Mo Weitian, he finally expressed his doubts, "Dad, aren't you dying soon?"

Mo Junzhe, "?"

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