The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1649 Dad, why are you so hypocritical

She hung up the phone directly.

Only Mo Junzhe was left with a stiff face.

And the car has already parked outside the ink house.

Bai Xiran quickly got out of the car and saw Xiaobao appearing from a distance.

The little guy came over after putting on his clothes, and when he saw her coming back, he hurried over and hugged her, "Ma Ma, you are back."

Bai Xiran leaned over and hugged the little guy.

I really want to hold Xiaobao in my arms as usual, but now that the little guy is growing so fast, I can't hold her anymore.

He just rubbed his head, let the messy hair fall on his forehead, and smiled after a long while, "It's so early after school today?"

"Enah. The teacher said that norovirus has appeared in the school, and the parents will pick up the children who have no stomach discomfort first."

"Did you go to the hospital? They told me Dad was caught in a fire and got burned."

"Yes." Bai Xiran nodded, and said a few words to comfort him, "I just came back."

The little guy followed behind her, and asked anxiously, "Is it not serious?"

"It's not serious." Bai Xiran thought for a while, and seemed to feel that he said these words too easily, and added a few words, "Anyway, there is no class. If Xiaobao feels worried, go and see him."

The little guy tilted his head and thought for a while, "But you can't even say it's serious, so it shouldn't matter."

He followed Bai Xiran into the house.

Both mother and son went upstairs to find Mo Weitian.

The little guy stood beside him, and took out his mobile phone directly, "But I still need to care about my father, then Xiaobao just give him a call."

He had absolutely no intention of visiting in person.

A few days ago, Mo Junzhe was hospitalized for too long, and he experienced life and death.

So much so that the little guy didn't care at all about his usual illness and being hospitalized.

Bai Xiran picked up Mo Weitian and nursed her.

"The madam came back in time, and the miss happened to be hungry."

The little girl in her arms couldn't wait to start rubbing her body, and her little hands were pulling at her clothes.

The chubby face was full of eagerness, as if she was going to cry on the spot if she didn't feed her.

Bai Xiran was suddenly transformed by those big eyes, and the emotions that were suppressed just now were instantly relaxed, and she coaxed a few words in a low voice, "Okay, don't worry, eat slowly."

Xiaofentuanzi leaned her face closer, her tender hands tightly clutching her clothes, she was satisfied.

Before the feeding was over, Xiao Bao had already returned from the phone call.

He was poking his head by the door, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"what happened?"

Mo Xiaobao thought for a while, and felt aggrieved, "Father is killing me."

He thought about how to explain, "It's strange, I don't know if it's because he was hurt and uncomfortable, and his tone was terrible. He even ordered Xiaobao to go over and accompany him immediately."

Bai Xiran was stunned for a moment, and her tone was very calm, "Then are you going?"

"Don't go."

The little guy squatted beside him, looking at Mo Weitian who was already full.

Xiaofentuanzi is walking high and walking now, just hiccupped, now happily playing with his brother, giggling when he teases him.

Mo Xiaobao was very satisfied, he immediately beamed with joy, and muttered, "It's good to play with my sister, I'm so happy to see how much my sister likes me. Anyway, how old is my father, and it's not too serious for a big man to get hurt. You didn't say you want me to accompany you for so long, why are you so hypocritical this time?"

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