Like the places that men love to go to.

She went up the stairs.

The rooms mentioned are on the second floor, and you can see them almost without searching.

Bai Xiran raised his head and saw some dim light in the corridor.

Even in broad daylight, I can't see clearly what's inside.

The sound insulation in the corridor seems to be not very good, and some movements inside can be vaguely heard.

The doors of three rooms are closed, and the rest are cleaned by aunts.

When Bai Xiran walked over, he only saw the sympathetic eyes of those aunts.

"Excuse me, these three rooms..."

"We don't know, we don't know, you can find it yourself."


She was a little confused.

Although he was surprised that Mo Junzhe would choose such a place to discuss cooperation, he thought about all kinds of customers and had thousands of different preferences.

The auntie looked at her for a long time, finally shook her head, and persuaded in a low voice, "Girl, auntie came here to persuade you, so it's rare to be confused."

Bai Xiran, "????"

She could only nod in embarrassment, but she didn't understand what the other party meant.

So he waited and called Mo Junzhe a few more times.

Still didn't answer.

The entire corridor was empty and there were no people. The doors of the three rooms were still closed, and it was impossible to tell from the outside.

Even...Xiong Dong is not here.

With no other choice, Bai Xiran could only bite the bullet and knock on the door.


She tapped twice, and tried to call Mo Junzhe's name.

But the inside responded quickly.

"What's the noise? I told you I don't need to clean and I want to stay longer!" The man directly opened the door and flung over with a face full of flesh. Only his lower body was wrapped in a bath towel, and the flesh on his stomach was almost piled up. circle.

Bai Xiran subconsciously took a step back.

But the man looked her up and down, and after seeing her face clearly, the impatience on her face disappeared immediately, replaced by obvious teasing.

"Hey, new here? Why, your boss asked you to come up to find me?"

Bai Xiran shook his head, tried his best to hide his disgust, and slammed the door, "Sorry, I found the wrong person."

Not this one.

She took a few steps forward, and the other two rooms were opposite each other.

After getting closer, I could vaguely hear some sounds from inside.

The room on the right seems to have a woman's coquettish laughter all the time, and the people inside should get along very well.

She shook her head, instead of thinking about what would happen to them next, she raised her hand and knocked on the door on the left.

"Who?" A man's gloomy voice came from inside.

After some distance, and most of the decibels were absorbed by the walls and door panels, she couldn't tell if it was Mo Junzhe's voice.

Then he opened his mouth tentatively, "Mr. Mo?"

There was a rustling sound from inside, and it took a long time before someone finally opened the door.

is a girl.

She was only wearing a bathrobe, her face still had a blush that hadn't faded, her eyes were a little blurred, and it was self-evident what she had just experienced.

Bai Xiran's small face immediately wrinkled.

She rushed in almost without thinking.

There was always the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.

The door is ajar.

"Mr. Mo!" Bai Xiran raised her voice, her little face already gloomy.

She came all the way here, she didn't come here to catch rape!
The girl just leaned against the door, covered her mouth and smiled softly, "It seems that she was caught? At this time, you should raise your phone to take a picture, so as to preserve the evidence. If it's a sneak shot, it doesn't count, but You can use it as evidence if you photograph it openly and aboveboard.”

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