The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1629 As long as you grow up to be a gentle and obedient player

Mr. Mo's mentality was a little broken.

It was really hard for him to imagine that he would be inferior to a five-year-old child who could coax a baby.

But Mo Weitian, who was in Mo Xiaobao's arms, was more cute than ever.

Obediently eat enough, obediently lie down.

Now I just look back and forth with my big round eyes open.

Mo Xiaobao has always been familiar with taking care of his younger sister.

He also hugged Xiaofen Duanzi, changed her position to let her lean on his hand, and burped her gently.

Skillful and neat.

While filming, he was talking to Mo Junzhe.

"Father, you can't always be so rude to girls. It's the same with Ranran, and it's the same with my sister. They all need to be coaxed."

It was the first time to be taught by my son.

Mo Junzhe's face turned green.

"I don't need you to teach me!"

"Hmm, Xiaobao actually thinks, my sister is sleeping with Ranran well, why do you want to take her out. You can't coax her out because you wake her up. Dad, you are asking for trouble."

Mo Xiaobao began to think about it.

After the burp was done, he put the little dumpling on the bedside again, "I'll pee when I'm full, and I need to change my diaper later."

Mo Junzhe's face was still green, "I know!"

Xiaobao yawned, rubbed his arms that were a little sore from hugging his sister just now, and then went out, "You know how to feed milk powder, but you can't feed it well."

He walked to the door while complaining, and poked his head in after a while, "If you really can't change the diaper, remember to ask someone for help."


Mo Junzhe couldn't take it anymore.

He was born by himself, only five years old, and he could ride on his own head, and it would be worth it if he grew up a bit!
Fortunately, after a while, Mo Weitian fell asleep.

At a young age, anyway, with food, drink and sleep, he can be more satisfied than anyone else.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang finally felt relieved and went back to rest.

Only the man stood quietly by the bed, staring at the sleeping little powder ball, but his brows were tightly furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

In fact, he always felt that the child was very noisy.

But suddenly one day this pink and tender little dumpling appeared in his life, no matter how noisy or crying, he seemed to become cute.

Daughters are probably more considerate than sons.

he thinks.

When I close my eyes and go to sleep, I have very similar eyebrows and eyes to my wife, and my eyelashes are very long, like a fan.

Mo Junzhe closed his eyes, but still cleaned himself up, and crawled to the other side of the bed lightly.

The movement was extremely slow, for fear of disturbing her.

Looking at the ceiling while lying on the bed, my mind is full of the scene where the little powder ball just made a fuss.

It's okay to make trouble now, as long as I grow up to be a gentle and well-behaved little padded jacket.

Don't be like her brother.

It is enough to have a dull genius in the family.


It was rare for Lu Diandian to sleep peacefully all night.

She still woke up twice at night habitually, and when she turned around and didn't see the little powder ball beside the bed, she panicked for a second.

But he soon remembered that he was carried away by Mo Junzhe, and fell asleep again in less than a minute.

Until seven o'clock in the morning, the morning light hit the balcony, and the room became warmer.

And there was no familiar crying sound beside her, nor was there a little hand that insisted on reaching out to grab her.

"Morning, Ma'am." Opening the door, she saw Mrs. Wang coming up with a bag of diapers.

Bai Xiran was stunned for a moment before realizing, "Tiantian peed again?"

"Yes, ma'am... Mr. is holding it."

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