The voice fell.

There was finally movement in the villa.

Late at night, under the dark night, two figures sneaked out of it.

The person who walks in front is the mistress of the house.

She pretended to come out to relax and walked around the door, but she didn't see anyone, so she relaxed her vigilance and went back to call for someone.

"Come out, no one."

Luo Jing wore a hat on his head, and his whole body was wrapped under a coat. Even if he was met by acquaintances, he might not be able to recognize him.

"No matter how I think about the courier during the day, I don't think it's right. His temperament doesn't look like he would come to deliver the courier. Hurry up and change to another place before anyone comes over."

"I'll do what you say. It's just that the place you decided is safe? People from the Mo family have been looking for you outside recently."

Luo Jing walked forward quickly, "The place they've searched once, they're playing black under the lights!"

"hope so."

"Mrs. Luo." Suddenly a voice came from behind.

The two turned their heads subconsciously.

As soon as Luo Jing saw a stranger, he immediately pushed down the brim of his hat.

"You, who are you? I don't know you."

Xiong Dong smiled, and pointed to the man behind her, "It's normal that Mrs. Luo doesn't know me, but Mr. Luo Jing just needs to know me."

"I'm Xiong Dong, the special assistant to the president of the Mo Group. Mr. Luo should know why I'm here, so don't I need to trouble you again?"

Luo Jing's eyes wandered, and he was about to run away when he saw the situation was not good.

But they brought enough people, how could they let him go.

Before taking two steps, Luo Jing was directly pressed to the ground.

"You have no right to arrest people! I don't care who you are, except for the police, no one else has the right to arrest me!"

He yelled loudly, as if trying to get attention.

And a tall and tall figure quickly walked in front of him.

Under the night, the figure of the man was stretched very long, and the black leather shoes were falling within Luo Jing's field of vision.

"Do you want to suffer more?"

It was a very hoarse voice, and when it came from the top of the head, there was still a coldness in the voice, like the cold ice and snow in winter.

Luo Jing raised his head subconsciously, and saw that all-too-familiar face.

But at this moment, the man's face was covered with a thick layer of coldness, and the lowered black eyes seemed to be frozen!

"Mo, President Mo!"

Luo Jing began to tremble all over, "Why are you here... I can explain it, this time it was a misunderstanding, really a big misunderstanding!"

"Swallowing more than a billion yuan and running away, is it also a misunderstanding?"

"No, no! The money is all there, I didn't swallow it... It's just that I don't know what to do when something happens, so I just keep it for now. Don't worry, Mr. Mo, I will return the money immediately and deal with the matter immediately Good! Those people are just asking for money, just give them money."

But Mo Junzhe only looked down at him, then moved his long legs away and walked directly to the parking lot.

"If you bring people to be ruthless, you can do whatever you want."


Xiong Dong waved his hand and asked Luo Jing to be lifted into the car, then turned to look at the woman standing next to him, "Mrs. Luo has divorced Mr. Luo, and you are supposed to have nothing to do with debt crimes. But this has covered Mr. Luo for so long. , there must be an explanation."

"What do you want?"

"My CEO means that Mr. Luo hid in the card abroad. Such a large sum of money is always unsafe. Thinking about it, he would not dare to put it in his own account. Mrs. Luo cooperated obediently and handed it over. The matter is naturally much simpler .”

Mrs. Luo couldn't believe it.

"You already found out?!"

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