The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1553 It's comfortable to press like this

Bai Xiran subconsciously frowned.

She naturally saw something wrong with the man, and she was always full of energy in the past, but now that she had just recovered from a serious illness, she didn't look so ugly.

After all, she put Mo Weitian down and followed the doctor into the study.

"What's wrong with you sir?"

On the sofa in the study, the family doctor had a gentle attitude, "The wound is still..."


Mo Junzhe pointed to the side of his head, his thick eyebrows were tightly knit together, and his whole body seemed to be in great pain, and it was difficult to say one more word.


"What kind of pain method? Is it a twitch, or a cycle?"

"A moment."

His voice was very hoarse, and he was lying on his side on the sofa, with almost no blood on his face.

"How long did that last?"

"It's been like this since the afternoon. The president couldn't work at all, so he came back quickly." Xiong Dong added a few words beside him.

The doctor's face suddenly became serious, "If this is the case, you have to go to the hospital for an examination."

He got up immediately, "Hurry up and send your husband to the hospital!"

"no need."

Mo Junzhe spoke in a cold voice, although it was only three short words, but it had a strong meaning for no reason, and he didn't give a few people a chance to refute.

He ordered directly, "Prescribe painkillers."


"If the symptoms don't improve tomorrow, go to the hospital again." The man explained more rarely, and the doctor gave him a prescription for painkillers no matter how difficult it was.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Xiran stood by the door without saying a word.

It wasn't until the doctor brought the painkillers that he finally stood in front of him and took the pills.

"give it to me."

She was still holding a glass of water in one hand, and in the other palm was a white pill.

The man just stood beside the sofa, looking down at the man with frowning brows, "Does it really hurt?"


Mo Junzhe's eyes were fixed, and when he opened his eyes to look at her, there was a ripple in the dark and deep pupils, which was well covered up, and he only stretched out his hand towards her, "Give me the medicine."

She shook hands.

"If it's really uncomfortable, I'm afraid it has something to do with the sequelae of the wound. How can I rely on painkillers?"

The man frowned even harder.

Even the tone became a lot fiercer, "Give it to me."

Bai Xi cannot be dyed.

She just bent down slightly and looked at him quietly for a while.

The two sides are deadlocked.

This time, Mo Junzhe refused to give in no matter what.

He sat up straight, clasped the woman's slender wrist with his hands, and said solemnly, "Take it out, I feel very uncomfortable."


Bai Xiran stared at him for a while, as if confirming the extent of his headache, and then obediently spread out his palms.

When the man went to get the glass, he opened his mouth softly, "I mean, maybe pressing it for you can relieve the symptoms."

Mo Junzhe paused when he drank the water, and the pills were still in his hand.

Beside her is the soft and comfortable voice of the little wife, "I've pressed it for you before, why don't you try the head office?"


Of course he is [-]% happy.

The slender and soft fingers landed near the temple, with neither light nor heavy force, just enough to knead the painful part.


He was too comfortable to talk.

Bai Xiran pressed it seriously, with a clear voice, "It's good if it can be relieved a little bit, if it's really a sequela, I'd better go to the hospital."

She spoke in a low voice, like the most ordinary couple, "Usually you also have symptoms of insomnia, and you didn't sleep well last night..."

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