After hanging up the phone, Mo Junzhe started to panic.

A man who never cared about these "little things" never knew that one day he would start to think carefully about a woman's mind.

He always thought that as long as his wife loved him, it would be fine, and he never thought that there were things that love couldn't solve.

A little annoying.

And a little irritable.

There were several other people in the ward.

Gu Xiling finally had a rest, and the white coat on his body was still on, so he just sat on the sofa and looked at him.

"I heard that you haven't dealt with the little sister-in-law yet?"

Someone next to him joined in.

"It's not that he hasn't figured it out yet, he can't figure it out at all."

Li Ze'an seemed to be talking poisonously, and hit him even more unceremoniously.

Seeing Mo Junzhe's gloomy face, he still didn't forget to sprinkle salt on his wound, "Why don't you say that my sister-in-law is angry, with such a serious face every day, who can feel comfortable watching it for a long time?"

"If you want me to say, hurry up and learn more from those girls in Dijue, and smile more."

"Get out." Mo Junzhe pushed his outstretched hand away, his face was already ashen, and his whole body was filled with sternness.

"I didn't call you here to talk nonsense. Hurry up and find a way. If you can't figure it out, get out of here."

He really wasn't in the mood to listen to the two chattering anymore.

Gu Xiling and Li Ze'an looked at each other, and the banter could be seen on their faces.

The latter took the initiative to speak, "If you want me to say serious ways to coax you, I can't coax you. My sister-in-law made it clear this time that she is not as angry as usual."

"so what?"

"So you have to use an unusual method!"

Still crap.

Mo Junzhe closed his palms, and his entire handsome face was covered with a thick layer of coldness.

The atmosphere in the ward was extremely depressing.

Xiong Dong next to him was trembling, and finally reminded him in a low voice, "Mr. Li, you'd better stop being a fool."

If he continued to grind like this, he was afraid that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, Li Ze'an didn't mean to procrastinate any longer, and said directly, "Sister-in-law is angry because she is worried, and she doesn't like you doing risky things without telling him. Especially when you don't care about your own life."

"To put it bluntly, it is the deep responsibility of love."

He spread his hands, "Think about it carefully, why did you face the old man of the Feng family last time, and you lived in the ICU for more than a month, not only did she not get angry with you, but she took good care of you after you recovered?"

Mo Junzhe is not stupid, "She is worried about me."

"Bingo! Just repeat the trick!"


The man was even more angry, "I just came here again after such a while, do you think she is stupid or me? Besides, the current situation doesn't allow me to be admitted to the ICU again."

In the past month and a half, there has been chaos outside.

Aside from the situation of the Mo Group, the problems caused by Mr. Feng's survivors have not yet been resolved, and the three of them, mother and son, may be in danger at any time!

Mo Junzhe furrowed his thick eyebrows, seeing Li Ze'an's intention to speak again, and scolded in a cold voice, "Swallow all your bad ideas!"

"Tch, you know it's a bad idea before I tell you."

Li Ze'an was indignant.

"Replaying the old tricks is not to let you get yourself into a critical condition again. The people of Benshan have their own tricks, understand?"

He was dubious.

Gu Xiling next to him smiled, as if he had already guessed it.

"If you go on like this, be careful that he will not do anything, and he will teach you a lesson first."

Li Ze'an complained, "How dare he? I'm the only way for him to save his sister-in-law now."

The corner of Mo Junzhe's mouth twitched violently, and his last patience was exhausted.

Gu Xiling finally couldn't see it, stood up and explained, "First of all, I have to make my sister-in-law willing to see you, and secondly...he really has some reason in thinking."

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