The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1536 My wife is too cruel

He smoothed things over.

In fact, I know that this matter will not be slowed down in a few days.

Bai Xiran nodded, turned around and left with the little girl in her arms.

Mo Xiaobao immediately followed behind.

When leaving the ward, he waved to his father and looked at him helplessly, "Dad, let's call."

Mo Xiaobao only gave the man a sympathetic look, and had no choice but to leave first.

The entire ward was empty, except for Mo Junzhe and Xiong Dong.

The man simply went to the window, sat on the wheelchair and looked down.

It wasn't until he saw the familiar car disappearing from sight that he finally told Xiong Dong to push him back.

"You said, how long will it be before she comes to see me again?"

"Uh...maybe three to five days?" Xiong Dong couldn't answer.

After a long pause, he thought about the man's face again, "At least two days?"

"That's two days." Mo Junzhe seemed to have made a decision, and his gloomy face relaxed a lot, "She will definitely come to see me in two days."


And the truth is.

For five consecutive days, Bai Xiran never left the VIP ward.

Instead, she came to the hospital, brought the little girl over for a reexamination, and went to the pediatrics department for another test. After confirming that Mo Weitian had fully recovered, she finally felt relieved.

As for going to the VIP floor, there was no such plan at all.


When Xiong Dong came up to report, Mo Junzhe finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Go back directly??"

His voice was extremely sinister, and the breath around his body was cold, "Everyone has arrived at the hospital, and if they take an elevator, they won't come up and go home directly?!"

"Yes, I see Madam coming and going in a hurry, maybe there is something at home..."

This is simply nonsense.

Why did Mo Junzhe not know, there are housekeepers all over the Mo house, and the servants have always performed their duties, and there has never been anything for her to worry about.

He clenched his palms tightly, and his whole face was tense.

"It's against the sky!"

"Then the about I send someone to stop Madam and let her come back?"

Xiong Dong tentatively opened his mouth.

My immediate boss has been too cloudy and uncertain recently.

What used to be difficult to serve and bad-tempered has become unpredictable.

When it's good, it's like an hour ago, probably thinking that the lady is coming, there is still a faint smile on her face, and her tone of voice is much gentler.

Bad times are like now.

That is simply a powder keg, let alone touch it, I dare not even get close to it!

With coldness in Mo Junzhe's dark eyes, he picked up his phone and dialed the number he knew by heart.


A woman's cold voice soon came from inside.

He squeezed his palms slightly, trying to keep himself calm, but he couldn't hide the gloom in his voice, "Ma'am, I still have at least 20 days before I can be discharged from the hospital."

"Well, I know."


Mo Junzhe's patience was exhausted, and his handsome face was completely gloomy, "That's why my wife plans not to come to see me for 20 days!"

Now his heart is full of anger, and he can only bear it with self-control.

God knows what the past few days have been like.

Every day I look forward to her appearance, thinking about how to coax her well.

That's great.

It's been five days, and she's not even a shadow!

He didn't show up for five whole days, and he didn't show his face with his two children.

Why, does she really don't want her husband and the father of her child?
This woman... is too cruel!

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