Mo Junzhe looked at her, panic flashed in his black eyes, he could only hide it, and said in a deep voice, "I'm late."

He moved closer, his eyes fixed on his little wife's face for a moment, not wanting to make her feel unhappy.

"The phone dies on the road."

The tone of the man's speech was particularly sincere, and his clear face was also full of seriousness.

Bai Xiran could tell.

But even so, the expression on her face didn't change at all.

He even took the initiative to take his hand back.

"The battery is dead, the meeting is heavy and long, what else?"

She laughed, her voice was low and shallow, like a silver bell, "Did you think of any other excuses?"

Xu heard the sarcasm in those words.

Mo Junzhe remained silent at this moment.

The surrounding air became completely quiet, and the entire ward fell into restraint and depression.

The man's dark eyes flickered, his eyebrows furrowed fiercely, and he finally spoke after a while, "Madam, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry."

Bai Xiran raised her neck, put her hands behind her ears, and casually parted her hair.

As if she was talking about a very common thing, her tone was indifferent, An Ran said, "You asked where you were when you said you were leaving the day before yesterday."

He said it was the company.

It is said that the distance is close, and any situation can be dealt with in time.

The exhortation at that time was just because he was worried about his body.

But never thought about it.

He is in good health, but it was Mo Weitian who had the accident.

Bai Xiran got up slowly, and looked out of the window from the little girl's face, looking at the dark scenery, his eyes were distant and empty, "So, are you going to the company?"

Her tone was very light.

When asked, every word was so gentle and gentle that no displeasure could be heard.

Under the quiet night, Mo Junzhe could feel the coldness of restraint.

The little wife was angry.

Beneath that overly calm face were already exposed emotions.

"you are not."

Before he could speak, Bai Xiran had already given the answer.

She smiled self-deprecatingly, and took out the phone directly, "Maybe you forgot, we set up the other party's location permission on our phone a long time ago, and we never need it on weekdays, but it's quite clear when we really want to see it." .”

Mo Junzhe's pupils suddenly tightened.

"Neighboring city. It's more than 100 kilometers by highway, and it takes more than four hours to go back and forth..."

She seemed to be talking to herself, with a faint smile on the corner of her red lips, "When you left in the morning, you called and said you would be back in the afternoon, right?"

"It's 09:30 in the evening."

Mo Junzhe sat quietly in the wheelchair, his body filled with a chilling and silent aura.

And just like that, he still didn't say a word.

Because the face of the little wife in front of him no longer had the familiar sense of dependence.

Bai Xiran stood leaning against the window, her face was cold, but her eyes were clearly red.

He waited for a long time before his thin lips finally squirmed, and he let out a hoarse voice, "There is some trouble at Feng's house, and I have to deal with it myself. I didn't tell you because you would be worried if you knew it. How much... risky."

Never liked to hide it from her.

But in the past year, he seemed to have kept too many things from her.

Bai Xiran looked at him quietly, and murmured what he had just said.

"It might hurt you, right? Even if no one does anything, if you run two hundred kilometers away in your current situation, the injury may recur at any time, right?"

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