The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1525 Children's Emergency

Bai Xiran didn't know what happened there.

She only remembered Mo Junzhe's promise that today he would only hold a meeting at the Mo Group.

As for the rest, she never thought much about it.

But when it was eight o'clock in the evening, the little girl's condition began to relapse, and when the high fever that had finally subsided started to burn again, her mentality finally collapsed a little.

Nights in pediatrics are always extraordinarily busy.

Bai Xiran simply asked the hospital to arrange an empty ward, took Xiao Bao to the hospital for dinner, and continued to accompany the little girl.

"There are still 38 degrees."

On the small forehead was a fever-reducing patch that was almost half the size of his face. In his sleep, Mo Weitian still had his mouth puckered, looking very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, you two are still here, Xiaobao, where is your father?"

Tongtong has been to the ward several times, and finally found something wrong.

"Gu Xiling called me just now, and he said that he didn't return to the ward."

Everyone knew that Mo Junzhe was leaving the hospital today.

He even sent someone to follow him, just in case.

Bai Xiran leaned against the bed very tiredly, and barely raised his head when he heard her ask, "He won't be able to help even if he comes back."

The body has not yet recovered, and I can't even hold the baby.

"It's not helpful, but it's always okay to say a few words to coax the children..."

Tongtong felt sorry for her to some extent. The family of three had been living in the hospital for more than a month, and someone like her who had gone through the hellish gate of childbirth could empathize with her more.

Xiaobao thought for a while, looked at Bai Xiran's tired look, and finally said, "Xiaobao, call Dad."

He dialed quickly.

But this time, there was no answer for a long time.

Bai Xiran heard the beeping voice, and the little guy still didn't speak for a long time, so she looked over, "What's wrong?"

"Dad didn't answer the phone."

"Maybe I'm busy, wait a minute."

The little guy was very obedient, and he said "Oh", thinking that his father was probably in a video conference, so he couldn't answer it all of a sudden.

After staying quietly for 10 minutes, he dialed again.

It was still quiet.

At this moment, he realized that something was wrong, so he called Xiong Dong after thinking about it.

But the exactly the same.

"It was connected, but no one answered."

Bai Xiran looked back at him, and finally realized that something might be wrong.

Then he took a deep breath and tried his best to comfort himself, "It's okay, the Mo Group is very close, if it doesn't work, we'll go and have a look later."

"Okay, Xiaobao, let's go..."

The little guy was about to get up.

But suddenly, Mo Weitian on the bed trembled violently.

"Tongtong, she..."

Bai Xiran was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Little girl, this is not a simple reaction in a dream.

More like cramps.

Tongtong reacted faster than her, almost immediately rang the bell, and then quickly checked the situation.

"Heart rate drops, high fever causes cramps..."

She said some words that Bai Xiran could not understand.

But even so, the few doctors and nurses who rushed over, and the oppressive atmosphere in the ward were enough for Bai Xiran to understand what happened.

High fever, cramps, allergic reaction.

Mo Xiaobao murmured beside him, his small face couldn't be more serious.

In all the medical books he had read, the explanation of the situation was very serious.

"When the above situations occur in young children at the same time, you must beware of shock!"

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