The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1511 Ranran, you have to be happy

The little guy was naturally obedient, and passed by with a book in his hand.

"Ranran, Dad has woken up, you don't need to be so stressed anymore, just be happy."

He was lying on Bai Xiran's body, his beautiful eyes were transparent and clean, as if he could see all the worries in her heart with one look.

Bai Xiran raised her eyebrows slightly, and hugged him with both hands, "What about Xiaobao, is Xiaobao still under pressure now?"


He hesitated and mumbled, thinking for a long time, but did not answer.

About not wanting to lie.

The little guy sighed, and finally stretched out two fingers and pinched them together, comparing a small gap, "There is such a loss."

That chubby face has become thinner a lot since then, like a boy who suddenly grows up, becoming handsome and handsome.

Mo Xiaobao tilted his head to look at her, and after a while finally explained, "Before, Xiaobao was also afraid that his father would not wake up. In this case, both Ranran and sister need Xiaobao to take care of her, so Xiaobao has to work hard and work hard. Only when you grow up and understand."

"But now that Dad is getting better, there will still be two men in the family... Ranran doesn't have to work so hard."

What he said inside and outside the box, he still cares about Ranran.

Bai Xiran's eye sockets suddenly turned red.

There is also some pantothenic acid on the tip of the nose.

Just for a moment, the previous depression and grievances began to be unbearable again.

Over the past month or so, she dared not have postpartum depression, let her body go wrong, let alone reveal any weakness to the outside world.

The huge Mo's group is like a giant machine, crushing over in an instant.

Countless times late at night, she felt that she couldn't breathe.

But at this moment...

Suddenly it became transparent.

"Xiaobao, let's all be happy, shall we?"

"Okay! As long as Ranran is happy with you, Xiaobao will be happy too. My sister will be happy too!"

The little guy was all smiles.

He opened his arms and hugged Bai Xiran tightly, arched his head in her arms, found a comfortable position, and murmured in a low voice, "Ranran, don't worry, Dad will get better soon. We will both get better soon. Protect you, and take good care of my sister..."

"You don't have to worry about anything, and you don't have to worry about anything."

"it is good."

Bai Xiran restrained the soreness at the tip of her nose, and nodded.

At this moment, only one sentence flashed through her mind.

If you have a son like this, what else can you ask for?

It was the third day after Mo Junzhe was moved to the general ward.

The doctor started changing his medicine, and he was awake longer than usual.

When I opened my eyes in the morning, the whole ward was quiet and there was no one in sight.

The breathing mask on his mouth has been removed, and after more than a month, he can finally breathe normally.


Can't get up.

My waist and legs were as if they had been filled with lead, and I couldn't move. Even if I wanted to raise my hand, it seemed that I had to use all my strength.

"Come here..."

He was a little annoyed.

This is your own hospital, right?
After staying in the hospital for so long, there is no one guarding him?
As if in response to his doubts, the moment he finished speaking, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a figure walked in.

The man glanced at him from a distance, and was shocked in place.

"you're awake!"

The other party cursed a word, but walked out in surprise and joy, calling someone while walking, "He's awake."

It seemed that someone had a conversation with him, and it was probably unclear where his excitement came from.

"It's not who... Mo Junzhe!"

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