The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1499 This is not a mansion

The man's face was extremely cold.

Even at a distance, Mo Xiaobao could still see his pale face, and then hesitated to move.

"The ambulance is leaving, don't waste time."

Mo Junzhe urged.

The little guy clenched his fingers, hugged the little doll tightly in his arms, and quickly followed the nurse into the ambulance.

The door is closed.

The chaos behind him seems to have gradually come to an end.

Xu Yan and the others hurried over from the flames, shouting as they ran, "Get out!"

"Get out!"

They waved their arms to signal others.

Mo Junzhe clutched his chest and coughed forcefully, but he couldn't move when he wanted to move.

Seeing that something was wrong, Xiong Dong didn't hesitate at all, he helped the man and ran out immediately.

It wasn't until tens of meters away from the house that there was finally a huge "bang" sound.

The flames that had just stopped at the back of the courtyard almost soared into the sky at this moment.


Someone screamed not far away, followed by a burst of sobbing.

Xiong Dong didn't care about his embarrassment, and explained in a low voice, "Someone called him just now, and he didn't want to come out. It seems he has been waiting for this result."

"With so many explosives buried, he wanted to blow himself up a long time ago. No wonder he let these people go early in the morning..." Tu Yi complained beside him.

They have been lying in ambush for more than a month, but they haven't seen anyone carrying explosives.

He just muttered, "Ask a few people to come over and ask when it was buried."

"There's no need to ask."

Mo Junzhe's voice was already very soft, if Tu Yi hadn't stood so close, he would have hardly heard it.

"There has been a plan since the day the house was built, but the time is tight, and the last part of the project has not been completed in time."


"What did he think of burying explosives under his own house?"

Xiong Dong helped Mo Junzhe to turn around slowly, ready to get into the car.

The hoarse voice still came, "This house is not a mansion."

Tu Yi was startled.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not a Yangzhai, what is it?"

Over there, Xu Yan finally came over after dealing with some matters. He took a look at Mo Junzhe who was beside the car, and just explained, "The only equivalent is the Yin House. You grew up abroad and don't understand normal. The Yang House is for living people." Live in a shady house..."

The corners of Tu Yi's mouth twitched, his eyes widened, and he struggled to utter a word, "Tomb?"


Mo Junzhe didn't explain anymore, and he didn't even look at the flames behind him. He finally got into the car and ordered in a deep voice, "Go back."

Xiong Dong was sitting in the co-driver, and the driver was about to start the car.

Xu Yan pressed his hands on the window of the car, and his face became more serious, "Your situation is wrong."

The man ignored him.

Xu Yan directly stretched out his hand to hold him, and pulled him out with a little force, and as expected, he heard coughing.

"The president's wound may have recurred, we have to go back to the hospital immediately." Xiong Dong's face was a little serious.

Had I followed the doctor's orders, I shouldn't have come today.

But after all, it's about Madam and Miss, the CEO insisted.

He has started calling the hospital.

While waiting for the connection, he reminded, "Mr. Xu, don't delay our time..."

Xu Yan sneered, but directly opened the car door and sat on it.

And the next moment, the man suddenly covered his heart and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Xiong Dong exclaimed.

Only then did Xu Yan let go of his hand, pointing at the team member next to him, "Let my person drive."

Xiong Dong was terrified, and when he turned around, he realized that there was bright red liquid flowing down from the man's head...

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