The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze. Doctor Leng looked down at her, but only snorted coldly.

"Madam Mo doesn't have to try to divide my relationship with the old man."

Her voice was very low, and she could hardly hear any emotional ups and downs.

After a while, he said seriously, "The fetal heart rate is normal."

She came to a conclusion, lowered her head slightly to look at Bai Xiran, with obvious doubts in her eyes.

Bai Xiran could only smile awkwardly, and blinked innocently with his face in his hands.

"Mrs. Mo better not have other ideas. Since you have made a deal with the old man, just stay at ease."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Bai Xiran put away his things carefully, and looked like he couldn't be more obedient.

After waiting for a while for Doctor Leng to leave, he breathed a sigh of relief.

She was lying on the bed, looking sideways at the time at the head of the bed. After the doctor left, her eyes turned cold bit by bit.

Bai Xiran knew that she had to prepare something in advance.



For half a month.

The man was lying on the hospital bed, his handsome face was extremely gloomy, he was obviously wearing a hospital gown, but his whole body still exuded a frightening coldness.

He stretched out his hand to the side, his eyes were cold.

Xiong Dong immediately handed over the medicine in his hand, "Sir, these medicines..."

very bitter.

The little guy next to him frowned tightly, and his whole body shrank into a ball.

And Xiong Dong watched the man drink it in one go, and sighed inadvertently.

This medicine is not a question of whether it is bitter or not, but that it is too strong, and it is very uncomfortable for people to drink it.

"Bring over the information given by the surname Xu."


"What about the satellite map? How is she doing now?"

Mo Junzhe's injuries had healed a lot.

He stared down at the map on the table, his eyes were colder than before.

"The scale of the building is large and it needs to be done quietly. It is impossible to complete it in a few months. He has been preparing for it a long time ago."

Xiong Dong was stunned, "This kind of deep mountain and old forest, what are you going to do?"

As soon as the words came out.

The entire ward fell silent.

"And the building orientation of this house is also rather strange. Why is the direction facing it not in accordance with the principles of architecture, and the layout of the mountains and rivers in the front and back? Does this old man usually not believe in Fengshui, or why doesn't he even invite a Fengshui master?"

Mo Junzhe seemed to have thought of something, his black eyes were filled with cold light, and he suddenly squeezed his palm tightly.

"Tell Xu Yan that she will act immediately on the day of her delivery!"

The layout here is so wrong!

Xiong Dong, a layman, can tell that when the old man redecorated the Feng family's old house, he did it in strict accordance with the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes and Feng Shui of architecture. How could he not care about it here!


"But sir, madam's due date should still be some time..."

He was explaining, but suddenly an exaggerated phone rang.

Xiong Dong immediately went over to connect.

"Still in the hospital?"

"Mr. Xu?"

Xiong Dong opened the public release, and Xu Yan's voice soon came from inside.

"It's time, start to act in an hour, if you can make it, come here, if you can't, just wait in the hospital."

"What time?"

Someone asked.

But together with Xiong Dong and Mo Junzhe, each of them looked uglier than the other.

Mo Junzhe's brows were tightly furrowed, and his whole body was stiff.

A cold word came out from his thin lips.


He looked up at his husband, remembering that he just said that his wife's due date was not so soon, his face paled for a moment, and he responded quickly, "I'll prepare the car immediately!"

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